Thanks, I don't see anything that explains the 'duplicate' HP RECOVERY shown in Disk Management.
The Hidden 300 MB Recovery part is Win8 - it has nothing to do with the HP RECOVERY part - don't let the names throw you off.
-> I picked the wrong volume the first time I asked you to post a Diskpart screen shot. After seeing the volume list, it was easy to figure out the correct volume - thanks.
Vol 0 is your Optical drive
Vols 1, 2, and 3 are on your SSD - you don't want to fool around with those.
Vols 4 and 5 are on your HDD.
Try this:
Change the drive letter for your Optical drive to
U in Disk Management
I use U for the optical drive on my system because discs are in the Universal Disk Format (UDF) - it's just a letter.
Answer yes when Disk Management warns you that some applications might use the letter .....
Safely remove the external drive
This is an important step - otherwise SCRUB will have little effect on the drive letters for that drive
Launch Diskpart in and elevated Command Prompt
Enter the following commands
auto scrub
Diskpart said:
Removes mounted folder pathnames, drive letters, mounted folder directories, and registry settings, for volumes that are no longer in the system.
This prevents volumes that were previously in the system from being automatically assigned their former drive letters and mounted folder pathnames when they are reintroduced to the system.
Restart the machine
Connect the external drive ( I expect Storage to be assigned the letter D and RECOVERY to be assigned the letter E)
Regardless of the letters assigned, the objective is to make the HP RECOVERY partition have drive letter D
In Disk Management - change the drive letters accordingly -
if Storage is D, change it to Z
Change (or add) D to the HP RECOVERY part
Change Storage to E (or what ever letter you choose)
It is very important to be certain that you're changing the HP
RECOVERY part drive letters
:ar: don't mess around with the
Win8 Recovery part!
-> Note the capitalization difference.
-> Note the size differences
Win8 Recovery = 300 MB