I'm sorry, that's just ridiculous.
How do you access the file structure using just the start screen. This to has been a problem for a few people I met. They could not figure out how to put a shortcut to my computer etc on the desktop. It sure ain't that easy to figure out using the start screen. Just saying that none of your arguments hold water or in any way justify this change. I have been running vanilla windows 8 and now 8.1 since launch, and I still don't like it. I know how to use it, but I still think they were stupid for forcing this change. Every poll I have ever looked at would seem to indicate that the world agrees with me...
I gave him that info.. It is still better with a logical, well thought out, and yes Familiar menu. People have been cautioned all along up to know away from shutting down their pc using the power button. Up to now, it has been a last resort. You and I both know that a single press will do the same as a shutdown. But no restart and logoff option come up that way. You act like this should be just basic stuff, but you miss the point that it is very different than what most people have been doing for 15 years and in no way is it better. Sorry friend. I am unfortunately in the majority on this one. Your opinion is not widely held and you should know it.
How do you access the file structure using just the start screen. This to has been a problem for a few people I met. They could not figure out how to put a shortcut to my computer etc on the desktop. It sure ain't that easy to figure out using the start screen. Just saying that none of your arguments hold water or in any way justify this change. I have been running vanilla windows 8 and now 8.1 since launch, and I still don't like it. I know how to use it, but I still think they were stupid for forcing this change. Every poll I have ever looked at would seem to indicate that the world agrees with me...
I don't have to go to the customize mode to move or uninstall an app? All Customize does on my system is let me name the groups or move them.
I think what he means is that if one right clicks on a tile, the screen goes to a darker shade, the tiles zoom back slightly, and the column titles appear for changing, which is the full customize mode? If left click and hold to move a tile, it goes into a semi-custom mode where only the tiles zoom back slightly to return back when released? Does that make sense?
From the linked page:
Tile control: In Windows 8, it’s much too easy to mess up the Start screen. For example, you can accidentally move a tile by tapping it the wrong way. Or you can bring up the tile-delete screen by simply wiping downward. In Win8.1, you have to go into a special Customize mode (see Figure 1) before you're allowed to move or delete tiles — which is good.
^ wasn't the case for me?
There is nothing logical about the new windows. If there were, I being a person who has used it every day for over a year with a genuine desire to like it, would like it by now, but I still don't. Over all, I do like the OS, so to be clear, I am still speaking about a specific radical change that was forced upon the install base within the common GUI, otherwise known as the start screen. It sucks on a desktop. It is not logical on a desktop. I could press start and type the first three letters of my program in the past several versions of Windows as well, but I don't want to always do that. Sometimes I just want to look at a short list of apps and choose or find a function in the same place it has been all along up to now. If it were so much better, it would have won me over by now..
I disagree with this entirely. In Windows 7, when I wanted to launch an application that was in the Start menu, I had to do a number of clicks - 1 to open the menu itself, then at least 1 more click to launch the program, but sometimes it was several clicks as I had programs organised into folders. While I was looking for something in the Start menu, my attention was momentarily taken away from what I was doing.I can't remember who, maybe you musiclover7, but somebody in this thread said it best when they pointed out the obvious fact that to get to the Start Screen, you will totally be leaving your application(s) / work in progress and for me, train of thought. It is simply too distracting. It may be fine for those who use computers strictly for social media, but when they are used to make your living, to me it is simply unacceptable.
Yeah, and the result would have been a bloated and unfocussed operating system that makes troubleshooting more difficult.musiclover7 said:Had Microsoft given their users a choice, so much of this could have gone down differently, and I would not be typing this right now. It is just a simple thing. It says to the the customer, however you want to use windows, is the right way.
So my attention is still taken away momentarily, but I'm doing fewer clicks.I can't remember who, maybe you musiclover7, but somebody in this thread said it best when they pointed out the obvious fact that to get to the Start Screen, you will totally be leaving your application(s) / work in progress and for me, train of thought. It is simply too distracting. It may be fine for those who use computers strictly for social media, but when they are used to make your living, to me it is simply unacceptable.
All apps screen is a miss mosh, and you are missing the point. Jf was stating that for him, and
many others, it is distracting to leave your work behind and open an entire screen that feels like an entirely different
environment, just to accomplish basic tasks. Yes, there are other ways of doing things, but the point I was trying to make is
that after a year of use, I still wish I had the option of the old...
.......If I was that mad about something, the first thing I'd do is dump it.
A: "I hate the iPhone, it sucks! Apple need to fix it cos they don't understand their customers at all!"
B: "Oh yeah? What phone do you use then if you hate the iPhone so much?"
A: "iPhone."
B: "................"
^^That's a large proportion of the Windows 8 hate posse in a nutshell, haha.
I just set up a win 8 laptop for a friend and I wish I could say this was a unique experience. I set him loose with the start screen. I gave him shortcuts on his task bar and on his desktop to all his stuff. Let him run on his own for two weeks. He called me for advice numerous times, and I helped him out. Finally, on the 3rd call two weeks in, I connected remotely and installed classic shell. He immediately breathed a huge sigh of relief and commented later how much better it was.
Microsoft was beyond stupid forcing this new GUI on everyone, including their desktop users. It has been over a year, and I still have yet to communicate with anyone outside of these forums who likes the start screen over the old menu. The menu was faster, more concise, easier to use and did not require you to leave your work entirely to access it. There is nothing intuitive about the new GUI.. Forcing people to google how to shut down there computer on day one=a bunch of moronic designers. Enough said....
Yes but many of us don't get to choose what OS and software we use on computers at work, and it's for tasks at work that Metro is truly hopeless.Folks who hate it enough to whine about something A YEAR after it was released, lol, but haven't quite got the courage of their convictions to dump it and use something else. If I was that mad about something, the first thing I'd do is dump it.
A: "I hate the iPhone, it sucks! Apple need to fix it cos they don't understand their customers at all!"
B: "Oh yeah? What phone do you use then if you hate the iPhone so much?"
A: "iPhone."
B: "................"
^^That's a large proportion of the Windows 8 hate posse in a nutshell, haha.