This will be Microsofts biggest ever flop, far bigger than Vista.

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Unless some radical changes in technology happen soon, a tablet or a mobile phone can never edit a movie, typset a book or perform any of the thousands of jobs you can do on a PC.

And you can tell all those people that you know who are buying PCs to twit and to be on fb that they are wasting money. A tablet will do that.

And by the way, I too build my own PCs:

My current system is an Asus MB: Intel Core i7: Quadro GPU: 24 GRam: all neatly packed in a full Coolermaster case running on Win 7 Ultimate with multiple (3) 27" screens.


My Computer

System One

  • OS
    win 7
    Interl Core i7
    12 GB
Given that Microsoft's response to complaints about Metro, was to remove the Registry hack, so that everyone is now forced to use it, I anticipate that they won't respond positively to any new complaints.

I wouldn't be surprised, if they did something like totally remove the Power button (since people have complained about it).
"That'll silence our critics. It worked with Metro." ;)

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 (64 bit), Linux Mint 18.3 MATE (64 bit)
    Computer type
    System Manufacturer/Model
    AMD Phenom II x6 1055T, 2.8 GHz
    ASRock 880GMH-LE/USB3
    8GB DDR3 1333 G-Skill Ares F3-1333C9D-8GAO (4GB x 2)
    Graphics Card(s)
    ATI Radeon HD6450
    Sound Card
    Monitor(s) Displays
    Samsung S23B350
    Screen Resolution
    Hard Drives
    Western Digital 1.5 TB (SATA), Western Digital 2 TB (SATA), Western Digital 3 TB (SATA)
    Wired Optical
    Other Info
    Linux Mint 16 MATE (64 bit) replaced with Linux Mint 17 MATE (64 bit) - 2014-05-17
    Linux Mint 14 MATE (64 bit) replaced with Linux Mint 16 MATE (64 bit) - 2013-11-13
    Ubuntu 10.04 (64 bit) replaced with Linux Mint 14 MATE (64 bit) - 2013-01-14
    RAM & Graphics Card Upgraded - 2013-01-13
    Monitor Upgraded - 2012-04-20
    System Upgraded - 2011-05-21, 2010-07-14
    HDD Upgraded - 2010-08-11, 2011-08-24,
There must be two Deskjets on here, one who thinks its going to be a failure and the other who thinks it just needs tweakin. While I agree that for a business it might seem a bit of a shock with the Metro Tiles at first, but that one click and you're on the desktop doesnt seem that tough to me.
I just dont want to see too much negativity, because I want MS to succeed with this, I couldnt live in Apple dominated world, the Fanboys make me sick. I just hope people take the time to learn this, it doesnt seem that hard to me, just a little different.

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 8 Pro/Windows 8 Pro/Windows 7 64 Bit64Bit/Windows XP
I would go back to a typewriter before buying anything Apple. But the core business for Microsoft and Windows IS business, not games, shopping online or twittering. In that sense, someone at MS has their priorities upside down.

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    win 7
    Interl Core i7
    12 GB
I've got too many computers to list, including my netbooks and Home theatre computers, I would really go broke if I had to replace all this stuff with Apple computers, so long live Microsoft.

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 8 Pro/Windows 8 Pro/Windows 7 64 Bit64Bit/Windows XP
I think for Microsoft to stay successful they really have to nail the tablet and phone industry, or they are going to be in trouble.

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 8 Pro/Windows 8 Pro/Windows 7 64 Bit64Bit/Windows XP
Disco Stu Fallacy

I would go back to a typewriter before buying anything Apple. But the core business for Microsoft and Windows IS business, not games, shopping online or twittering. In that sense, someone at MS has their priorities upside down.

It's the Disco Stu Fallacy.
"Did you know that disco record sales were up 400% for the year ending 1976? If these trends continue ... AAY!"

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 (64 bit), Linux Mint 18.3 MATE (64 bit)
    Computer type
    System Manufacturer/Model
    AMD Phenom II x6 1055T, 2.8 GHz
    ASRock 880GMH-LE/USB3
    8GB DDR3 1333 G-Skill Ares F3-1333C9D-8GAO (4GB x 2)
    Graphics Card(s)
    ATI Radeon HD6450
    Sound Card
    Monitor(s) Displays
    Samsung S23B350
    Screen Resolution
    Hard Drives
    Western Digital 1.5 TB (SATA), Western Digital 2 TB (SATA), Western Digital 3 TB (SATA)
    Wired Optical
    Other Info
    Linux Mint 16 MATE (64 bit) replaced with Linux Mint 17 MATE (64 bit) - 2014-05-17
    Linux Mint 14 MATE (64 bit) replaced with Linux Mint 16 MATE (64 bit) - 2013-11-13
    Ubuntu 10.04 (64 bit) replaced with Linux Mint 14 MATE (64 bit) - 2013-01-14
    RAM & Graphics Card Upgraded - 2013-01-13
    Monitor Upgraded - 2012-04-20
    System Upgraded - 2011-05-21, 2010-07-14
    HDD Upgraded - 2010-08-11, 2011-08-24,
Did Apple give an IPhone style to their OSX ? ...So why Microsoft have to do so to sell phone ? I can leave with the Metro. Aside forcing us to us Metro, Windows 8 is a great improvement, Microsoft just push a little bit too far imposing the Metro to everyone. Metro make thing at the Media Center, did I use it ? no, nut I'm not force too. Windows 8 will be such a great OS if Metro will be an add on.


My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 8 enterprise x64
    System Manufacturer/Model
    Pc-Quebec / Area 66
    i7-3960X Extreme Edition
    Rampage IV Extreme
    Gskill 4x4 GB
    Graphics Card(s)
    4 x HD 7970
    Sound Card
    Screen Resolution
    Hard Drives
    C:\Intel series 520 SSD , 250 GB
    D:\ WD 750 black with Intel 40gb SSD cache Intel RST
    E:\ WD 2TB Black
    Corsair AX 1200
    TT Mozart TX
    Water Cooled
    Logitech G-15
    Other Info
    Windows 8 VM is install on his own SSD.
I think I found where MS get the Start Menu Idea


My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 8 enterprise x64
    System Manufacturer/Model
    Pc-Quebec / Area 66
    i7-3960X Extreme Edition
    Rampage IV Extreme
    Gskill 4x4 GB
    Graphics Card(s)
    4 x HD 7970
    Sound Card
    Screen Resolution
    Hard Drives
    C:\Intel series 520 SSD , 250 GB
    D:\ WD 750 black with Intel 40gb SSD cache Intel RST
    E:\ WD 2TB Black
    Corsair AX 1200
    TT Mozart TX
    Water Cooled
    Logitech G-15
    Other Info
    Windows 8 VM is install on his own SSD.
If you dont know anyone who buys a PC for Facebook or Twitter or to buy things you cant get around much. Millions of people buy computers for just these things including games and emails and Voip etc. The problem for MS is that people are now buying tablets to do these things and guess whose tablets they're buying, you guessed it Apple.
People are also buying phones to do these things, and guess whose phones they're buying, you guessed it Apple and Android. The biggest problem for MS is that if all these young kids grow up using iPads and iPhones, guess what system they're going to use when they grow up.
This is a tough time for MS they have to keep up or lose market share, I personally think they are heading in the right direction, if not, I'm wrong and Microsoft is wrong and soon all you'll see is overpriced Apple computers. I hate Apple stuff, I build my own computers, and want to keep doing so, so I really hope MS gets this right.

I also hope that Microsoft get this right, I really do. There really is no need for them not to. Judging by some of the comments here the UI between Metro and desktop obviously still needs tweaking, that is more or less all I'm saying. What I am not saying is that the OS itself is a dead duck. There seems to be nothing wrong with the OS and how it operates. The OS is a step forward when you look at what has been done on the technical front. It is faster than Windows 7 and the other internal alterations are a definite improvement over 7. The 'one size must fit all' approach from Microsoft with Windows 8 is the wrong one in my opinion. What people want to do on a desktop/ laptop is normally quite different to what they do on their tablets and mobile 'phones. They are different environments and most people have different expectations from the various platforms. Even Apple recognises this with iOS and OS X. iOS for iPads/ iPhones and an OS X for Macs. iOS being mainly for playtime and OS X to get some real productive work done.

I’m all for people buying iPads/ tablets and iPhones/ Android ' phones for their personal/ business computing experience and am aware that Microsoft are trying to catch up with the competition on that front with Windows 8. However, I'm sure that literally millions of the same people who own these devices also own either a desktop or laptop, or both. I know I do. The Metro UI does not seem to be giving an overall pleasant experience at this point when using Windows 8 on desktops/ laptops and needs tweaking to get it sorted. I'm also sure that in the working environment, where people actually have to do some real work instead of playing games, tweeting and posting updates on Facebook that the Metro UI, as it currently stands, will be regarded as more of a hindrance than an asset. That 's another reason why I think that the Windows 8 'one size must fit all' approach is not the right one.

Perhaps Microsoft have taken the decision that the majority of corporate customers will simply ignore this Windows release, I'm beginning to think that might be the case. If so it's a dangerous gamble. They've already been badly burnt by Visa and Windows ME and another such escapade will not help their credibility in the marketplace. Let's be honest, most companies still haven't updated from XP and those that have are only now starting to roll Windows 7 out over their networks. I don't think that many corporate customers will be falling over themselves to get Windows 8 on their networks.

Time will tell, but I'm sure Microsoft will be working on a few tweaks as we speak in order to make the Windows 8 experience on desktops/ laptops a more pleasant one than is presently the case. They are now getting real feedback from real people, not just developers with their heads stuck in the clouds most of the time. It is up to Microsoft to decide if they want to listen to what people in the real world are saying about Windows 8 or not. That decision will make or break Windows 8.
Last edited:

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 8 Pro 64-bit, Windows 7 SP1 64-bit, Windows XP SP3 32-bit
    System Manufacturer/Model
    Own build computer
    Intel Core 2 E6600
    Asus P5Q SE Plus
    Graphics Card(s)
    Nvidia GT240
    Sound Card
    Creative X-FI Sound Blaster Xtreme Audio
    Monitor(s) Displays
    24" Samsung Synchmaster 2494HM
    Screen Resolution
    1920x1080 [1080p HDMI connection]
    Hard Drives
    Internal: OCZ Vertex 4 128Gb SSD, 2 x 400Gb SAMSUNG HD403LJ External: 1 x Iomega 2Tb, 1 x Iomega 1Tb,
    Corsair AX750 [750w]
    Corsair Obsidian 550D
    Wireless Desktop 3000 v2.0
    Microsoft Wireless Mouse 5000
    Internet Speed
    120Mbps download/ 10Mbps upload Cable Connection via UPC Nederland
This OS is growing on me.Learning the little tricks to get around really helps.I not a fan of the Metro tiles ,kind of ugly but not that big a deal.
Right now I'm more inclined to use windows7.We all like what is familar.It will be interesting to see how this OS fares on the market.I think that sales may be a bit slow since windows7 has just recently starting to replaceXP for a lot of businesses.Also does any business want tiles for music,photo's,facebook,twitter?I know they can be removed but it's not a selling point for business.
I think the kids will love this OS.It seems to be built for them.

My Computer

System One

  • OS
As somewhat of a power user I too was dismayed by all the metro stuff. The bottom line is you can pretty much ignore it if you would like. There are (will be) registry patches to keep it turned off. As for shutting down or rebooting the computer you can use Steve Gibson's wizmo GRC*|*WIZMO - Steve's Windows Gizmo** I've been using it for over 10 years on all my windows computers.

As for the new start menu... its interesting... moving from XP to Vista/Win7 the start menu got more compressed. There were, of course, hacks to get the XP version back. Now the Start menu has taken over all of my 1920x1200 24" monitor. Crazy!

And the same problem with the metro apps, all those pixels to play music or get financial data. And you can't even turn them off without going to the Task Manager. How about a 1-click option to dump the whole metro part of the operating system :)

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Dual Win 7-8 64-bit
    System Manufacturer/Model
    Dell Studio XPS8100
    Intel Core i5 3.2 GHz
    8 GB
    Graphics Card(s)
    Nvidia GeForce GTX 260
    Monitor(s) Displays
    2 x Dell 24" LCD
    Screen Resolution
    Hard Drives
    900GB and 1.5TB
    Dell USB
    Dell Optical
    Internet Speed
    10 Mb/s down 1.5 Mb/s up
    Other Info
    I worked my up from a virtual machine, to a slow 32-bit celeron and now two monitors on my XPS8100. Works great!
Nuff said. We got the thing and now we have to try to make the best of it. If you think that our comments will change the MS development plan one iota, you are dreaming. The guys at Redmond have completely different problems - like making this thing work correctly on ARM processors. They can care less whether we love or hate the Metro. That is the prescribed medicine and that's what we are supposed to swallow - and I am sure, over time everybody will.

Some guys are dreaming and will wait for Win 9 - what do you think that is going to be: More Metro. But there are always alternatives - high priced Apple or the Linux command line are good options.

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Vista and Win7
    System Manufacturer/Model
    2xHP, 2xGateway, 1xDell, 1xSony
    Hard Drives
    5 SSDs and 12 HDs
Something tell me they gone care one day, when many peoples and corporations will not make the move, like what happen with Vista, they gone fail the Phone market, the tablet is a limited market, many peoples want a computers to go read the news on the web, to communicate with other peoples, to FB, many of them are not young and need a keyboard and a mouse. The members of this forum know about computers, they will adjust, but look around you, your parents, peoples who work with you,are they as much computer literate as you, I don't think so , it's not my case. This will be the Waterloo of Microsoft. I show it this morning to my best customer, he ask me if it will not be better to make the move too Mac for is 25 computers in his offices, because is great children all have iPhone, iPod and many of them have iPad

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 8 enterprise x64
    System Manufacturer/Model
    Pc-Quebec / Area 66
    i7-3960X Extreme Edition
    Rampage IV Extreme
    Gskill 4x4 GB
    Graphics Card(s)
    4 x HD 7970
    Sound Card
    Screen Resolution
    Hard Drives
    C:\Intel series 520 SSD , 250 GB
    D:\ WD 750 black with Intel 40gb SSD cache Intel RST
    E:\ WD 2TB Black
    Corsair AX 1200
    TT Mozart TX
    Water Cooled
    Logitech G-15
    Other Info
    Windows 8 VM is install on his own SSD.
I don't know where you were at the time. I have lived thru the whole Win7 Beta and never heard such a statement. If I remember right, there was nothing but praise. Maybe there were a few guys that made derogative comments who only knew Win7 from hearsay - the same crowd like the one in the Mojave project.

+1 I never heard any bad things about Windows 7 while testing and I was in it from the very start. :confused:

You can go google early reviews and find people complaining about W7 almost as bad as people complain about W8. It's there, it happened, and it happened frequently.

Would you be so kind to post your search results? I did a google search and did find some minor issues in the begining but for the most part everyone loves Windows 7. Even when they start out compaining they find there was a mistake or a setting that needed to be changed and then everything was good.

Look in this forum too: General Windows 7 complaints - Windows 7 Forums

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 7 Enterprise (x64), Windows 8 Enterprise (x64), Windows Server 2012
    Monitor(s) Displays
    4 Dell 24'
    Screen Resolution
    Hard Drives
    RAID 6 (8 x 2TB)
    Dell Keyboard
    Dell Mouse
    Internet Speed
I think the kids will love this OS.It seems to be built for them.

That may well be the case but in my house it isn't them that's paying for software or hardware. In these economic times I will not be buying them tablets just so they can have fun on Windows 8 to please Microsoft and help drag its share value back up [32.08 -0.22 (-0.67%) 2 March 1012]. I think a lot other people will also be thinking the same way.

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 8 Pro 64-bit, Windows 7 SP1 64-bit, Windows XP SP3 32-bit
    System Manufacturer/Model
    Own build computer
    Intel Core 2 E6600
    Asus P5Q SE Plus
    Graphics Card(s)
    Nvidia GT240
    Sound Card
    Creative X-FI Sound Blaster Xtreme Audio
    Monitor(s) Displays
    24" Samsung Synchmaster 2494HM
    Screen Resolution
    1920x1080 [1080p HDMI connection]
    Hard Drives
    Internal: OCZ Vertex 4 128Gb SSD, 2 x 400Gb SAMSUNG HD403LJ External: 1 x Iomega 2Tb, 1 x Iomega 1Tb,
    Corsair AX750 [750w]
    Corsair Obsidian 550D
    Wireless Desktop 3000 v2.0
    Microsoft Wireless Mouse 5000
    Internet Speed
    120Mbps download/ 10Mbps upload Cable Connection via UPC Nederland
You can make W8 incredibly slick -- you can get rid of 90% of the tiles if you just want to see a few apps -- and by selecting File Location you can then send the app as a short cut to your desktop - or the task bar or both.

I never did like having a cluttered desktop -- the Taskbar is a good idea - simple and quick.

Then what's the point of Metro? I've cleared out all the crap from the Metro screen (which is just about everything) and don't use it except to go to the desktop or grab a seldom-used program unpinned anywhere else, just like I did with the old Start Button menu. With 8, I'm doing very little that I wasn't doing with 7. Maybe some incredible apps down the road will change that, but I'm having a difficult time trying to think what they could be. Even so, with all the programs I'm loading on the Metro screen, and if there are incredible apps that pop up down the road, I'm gonna run into the giant mess of icons in my face that I never wanted in the first place - and which MS itself started offering ways to get rid of years ago. I don't think people realize how backwards, in this respect, MS is travelling with 8.

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Black Label 7x64
    AMD Phenom II X6 1055t
    Graphics Card(s)
    Radeon HD 6790
    Sound Card
    X-FI Titanium Fatal1ty Pro
    Monitor(s) Displays
    Acer AJ15
    Screen Resolution
    Hard Drives
    Barracuda 7200 SATA 280GB
    WD Caviar Green SATA 500GB
    OCZ ModXStream 700W
    Internet Speed
    25 Mbps/25 Mbps
The Simpson's fans will remember this car designed by Homer.

Full of modern ideas.

This is Windows 8.


My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 8.1 x64
    Computer type
    System Manufacturer/Model
    Asus X501A
    Pentium 2020M 2.4GHz Ivy Bridge
    4 GB RAM
    Graphics Card(s)
    Intel HD Graphics
    Sound Card
    Realtek High Definition Audio
    Monitor(s) Displays
    1366x768 Generic PnP Monitor on Intel HD Graphics
    Screen Resolution
    Hard Drives
    298GB Western Digital WDC WD3200BPVT-80JJ5T0 (SATA)
    Always touchpad with Asus' Smart Gestures
    Windows Defender
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