Windows 8 has stopped running yet Laptop is still working

Thanks again. I updated my Asus driver as well, and my Asus seems to be running fast since the Windows went ballistic... maybe that afternoon of headache was worth it in the end

Your Welcome !! Why and are you still running Windows 8 not Windows 8.1, if so should update soon. Make a manual restore point now.
Monitor it for a few days, keep this unsolved in case it happens again.
Honestly I have no idea if I am using windows 8 or 8.1... how do I check?

Either right click Start button select System will say it there. At run command type msinfo32.
Your Welcome !! Why and are you still running Windows 8 not Windows 8.1, if so should update soon. Make a manual restore point now.
Monitor it for a few days, keep this unsolved in case it happens again.
Honestly I have no idea if I am using windows 8 or 8.1... how do I check?

Either right click Start button select System will say it there. At run command type msinfo32.
yeah it's 8.1, I was just generalizing
Honestly I have no idea if I am using windows 8 or 8.1... how do I check?

Either right click Start button select System will say it there. At run command type msinfo32.
yeah it's 8.1, I was just generalizing

I was not sure did not list it here and when i looked at ASUS site for your model stated Windows 8 something about an update to 8.1. See it listed under hotlink, specs say Windows 8 or 8 pro.
ASUS ROG G750JW | ROG - Republic Of Gamers | ASUS Global
Either right click Start button select System will say it there. At run command type msinfo32.
yeah it's 8.1, I was just generalizing

I was not sure did not list it here and when i looked at ASUS site for your model stated Windows 8 something about an update to 8.1. See it listed under hotlink, specs say Windows 8 or 8 pro.
ASUS ROG G750JW | ROG - Republic Of Gamers | ASUS Global
I'm not extremely technical (I understand most of what you've told me to do, if only somewhat), so saying 'Windows 8' is what I meant :P
When right clicked the start menu selected System, you saw Windows 8 ? Know how to screen capture can show me, but this was what ASUS site mentioned to come with your Laptop. All i would say is it is best to put update to Windows 8.1 soon.