Solved Windows 8.1 Pro Does Not Let me Boot Anything

Did the computer come with Windows 8 installed or did you upgrade from Windows 7? The computer may not have UEFI.
Did the computer come with Windows 8 installed or did you upgrade from Windows 7? The computer may not have UEFI.
Upgraded. Yes, It does not have UEFI I think. But I installed windows 8.1 to my laptop which does not have UEFI. So what?
"You will never ever able to boot again?" There must be solution to this problem and I am still trying to find out with your helps.
Windows has nothing to do with what you can and can't boot from. On a cold start the BIOS controls what is booted from. The OS is not loaded yet so it has no effect. Secure Boot, if enabled can block an OS (like Linux) from loading/booting. That's why it was suggested to turn it off. The assumption was that your PC had a UEFI BIOS. If it doesn't you don't have Secure Boot and its a non issue. If that's the case the issue is your bootable media, its not bootable or its not configured correctly. I know nothing about Linux so I can't help you with that. The other possible scenario is that your BIOS boot order is not set correctly. If the hard drive with Windows on it is listed before the actual device you want to boot from, your going to boot from the hard drive instead of your other bootable device. The BIOS will always boot from the first bootable device it finds in the list. It starts at the top of the list and works down. Go into your BIOS Boot order and move the device you want to boot from to the top of the list so its entry No. 1. Then try again.
Try this.
In search type "create recovery drive"
A box will appear.....tick box.....Copy the recovery partition to the recovery will of course need to save to a USB or Disc.
You can then use this to revert to factory standard.

I have W8.1 and Ubuntu on same SSD...both working satisfactorily.
hi,In your first post you said you check your bios and there was nothing to change ,but I think there is as you have the harddrive as 5th in the boot order list ,so move harddrive to #1 in the list and reboot to windows ,it may be that you totally frigged everything up when removing Linux .or im missing something
In the pictures of your bias the usb hdd is the first boot device. If you connect a bootable usb drive then start the computer the USB drive should boot instead of the hard drive. If not the usb drive is not bootable. Before you try anything else I would recommend you do a system backup so you don't lose your Windows 8 install.
after looking a little closer to the bios picture, im not sure if it will boot to a thumbdrive ,it list usb hdd ,usb floppy drive and usb cdrom ,all are different than a usb thumbdrive,i think ,it need to say usb Device ,,my older computer I couldn't boot it to a usb thumddrive but could boot to usb cdrom
When the OP attempted to install Ubuntu, it probably did a partial upgrade, or they stopped it during the install. That means that Grub has taken over as the Boot manager. There are some guides out there on how to remove the grub manager, and fix the mbr, so you can at least boot back into Windows, if it is still all there.

This deals with repairing Windows 7. Daniel B's Tech Blog: Repair Windows 7 after removing a Linux partition (Dual Boot)

The has the Windows 8 repair guide. How to Uninstall a Linux Dual-Boot System From Your Computer

Guide how to fix the MBR in Windows 8 or 8.1, but requires a Windows 8/8.1 Install disc. Repair / Fix MBR in Windows 8 using the Command Prompt
hi,In your first post you said you check your bios and there was nothing to change ,but I think there is as you have the harddrive as 5th in the boot order list ,so move harddrive to #1 in the list and reboot to windows ,it may be that you totally frigged everything up when removing Linux .or im missing something

Yes its worked. Thank you very much. In theory, it must work in any order right? That's why I did not care so much about it but I gave it try thanks to you and it worked.
Thank you all of my friends.I am appreciate to all of you.

I am greeting all of you with all my sincereness.
good to see you got it to work ,maybe some un-bootable media in one of the boot devices before the #5 hdd ,and it stopped there ,
i hope it keeps working for you .happy computing :thumbsup: