Solved Windows 8.1 Pro Does Not Let me Boot Anything


Hi everyone,
I am Ender from Turkey. I will try to tell my problem as possible as clear.

First of all I want to share my device information;
I am using Lenovo Z570.

Now, I have a big problem wiht my Windoes 8.1 Pro. I could not boot anything.
I serach for it but I could not find any helpfull thread about it. I tried some suggestion about BIOS but there is nothing to change. I will add my BIOS pictures to show you what kind of setting has in it.

BIOS settings;

Then, I tried "Advenced Startup" but it did not help me at all.
In some threads I saw this pictures but the poblem is I do not have "Use an other OS" or "Use a Device".

Two of my friends are using windows 8.1 and they do not have any problem.
I am waiting for your help.
If you can help me, I would be appreciate.
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hello ,and welcome to eight forums .
did you try the troubleshoot icon, in the "advance startup "
On the first picture of your post to the left of Windows 8....Under Windows Edition it states
"Get More Features With a New Edition of Windows".....Try clicking on it.
On the first picture of your post to the left of Windows 8....Under Windows Edition it states
"Get More Features With a New Edition of Windows".....Try clicking on it.
Why would they do that. It is only for if you are updating to a different edition in the same line of the OS you are running.

If the OP got to the System Screen, then it is obvious that they are booting into the OS.

The question remains of what exactly are they having issues with, since they can get into the Operating System.
On the first picture of your post to the left of Windows 8....Under Windows Edition it states
"Get More Features With a New Edition of Windows".....Try clicking on it.
Why would they do that. It is only for if you are updating to a different edition in the same line of the OS you are running.

If the OP got to the System Screen, then it is obvious that they are booting into the OS.

The question remains of what exactly are they having issues with, since they can get into the Operating System.
Because it is not on any computer of mine
On the first picture of your post to the left of Windows 8....Under Windows Edition it states
"Get More Features With a New Edition of Windows".....Try clicking on it.
Why would they do that. It is only for if you are updating to a different edition in the same line of the OS you are running.

If the OP got to the System Screen, then it is obvious that they are booting into the OS.

The question remains of what exactly are they having issues with, since they can get into the Operating System.
Because it is not on any computer of mine
if you check control panell you should find it there ,but as already said ,its only if you want to upgrade ,like from win8 core to win8 may not be there if you already have Pro
On the first picture of your post to the left of Windows 8....Under Windows Edition it states
"Get More Features With a New Edition of Windows".....Try clicking on it.
Why would they do that. It is only for if you are updating to a different edition in the same line of the OS you are running.

If the OP got to the System Screen, then it is obvious that they are booting into the OS.

The question remains of what exactly are they having issues with, since they can get into the Operating System.
Because it is not on any computer of mine

If you are running 8 Pro with Media Center it won't be listed, as there are no more features to add. If you are running 8 Core you use that to access add features to upgrade to 8 Pro. If you are running 8 Pro you use it to access add features to add Media Center. After that its not listed anymore. It doesn't have anything to do with the OP issue.
hello ,and welcome to eight forums .
did you try the troubleshoot icon, in the "advance startup "

Sorry, I forgot to mention about it. Yes I tried it too but I could not see anything usefull.

@ the OP, what exactly are you trying to boot from? It's unclear, at least to me, whether your trying to boot to the OS or another device?

I was trying to install ubuntu then I realized that I am unable to boot anything USB or DVD does not matter.
hello ,and welcome to eight forums .
did you try the troubleshoot icon, in the "advance startup "

Sorry, I forgot to mention about it. Yes I tried it too but I could not see anything usefull.

@ the OP, what exactly are you trying to boot from? It's unclear, at least to me, whether your trying to boot to the OS or another device?

I was trying to install ubuntu then I realized that I am unable to boot anything USB or DVD does not matter.
Did you create a separate partition to install Ubuntu?....or did you install it on top of Windows?
hello ,and welcome to eight forums .
did you try the troubleshoot icon, in the "advance startup "

Sorry, I forgot to mention about it. Yes I tried it too but I could not see anything usefull.

@ the OP, what exactly are you trying to boot from? It's unclear, at least to me, whether your trying to boot to the OS or another device?

I was trying to install ubuntu then I realized that I am unable to boot anything USB or DVD does not matter.
Did you create a separate partition to install Ubuntu?....or did you install it on top of Windows?

I was using ubuntu with wubi. Then my ubuntu got crazy :). So, I removed ubuntu then I tried to re-install it then I got this error "No root file system system defined". But this problem related with ubuntu because I got this message in ubuntu.
hello ,and welcome to eight forums .
did you try the troubleshoot icon, in the "advance startup "

Addition to your question:

20140324_205126.jpg 20140324_205132.jpg

Startup Repair could not find anything, the other ones seems to me useless.
In addition, I tried startup setting that let me change the startup setting but it did not work too or I could not do it correctly.
I will add some pictures from that screen.
Have you make a recovery rescue backup disc or USB drive?....If so click on System Image Recovery and insert backup when requested.
hello ,and welcome to eight forums .
did you try the troubleshoot icon, in the "advance startup "

Sorry, I forgot to mention about it. Yes I tried it too but I could not see anything usefull.

@ the OP, what exactly are you trying to boot from? It's unclear, at least to me, whether your trying to boot to the OS or another device?

I was trying to install ubuntu then I realized that I am unable to boot anything USB or DVD does not matter.
To jump back in. It states in, that you cannot use WUBI.exe with Windows 8.x, due to UEFI. Since you do not have any restore media, your only choice will either to go into the bios and disable Secure Boot & UEFI, and just stick with Ubuntu, or call the manufacturer and order restore DVD's from them.

I stopped running Windows 8.1 after the last set of updates made a total mess of the OS. I finally went with Xubuntu 12.04 lts 64-bit. If I do need Windows, I run it inside a VirtualBox VM.
hello ,and welcome to eight forums .
did you try the troubleshoot icon, in the "advance startup "

Sorry, I forgot to mention about it. Yes I tried it too but I could not see anything usefull.

@ the OP, what exactly are you trying to boot from? It's unclear, at least to me, whether your trying to boot to the OS or another device?

I was trying to install ubuntu then I realized that I am unable to boot anything USB or DVD does not matter.
To jump back in. It states in, that you cannot use WUBI.exe with Windows 8.x, due to UEFI. Since you do not have any restore media, your only choice will either to go into the bios and disable Secure Boot & UEFI, and just stick with Ubuntu, or call the manufacturer and order restore DVD's from them.

I stopped running Windows 8.1 after the last set of updates made a total mess of the OS. I finally went with Xubuntu 12.04 lts 64-bit. If I do need Windows, I run it inside a VirtualBox VM.

"It states in that you cannot use WUBI.exe with Windows 8.x, due to UEFI" First of all, according to my experiences, I need to say that yes I can and I did. What I wrote is there. "I was using ubuntu which installed using wubi with my Windows 8.1". But I saw that it does not work well :)

In Turkey there is no manufacturer intereset like they do in your country. If you send your laptop to them to be fixed it would be worser. It does. Asking for restore DVD's? You can not even reach them bro. They are only here to sale their products. We are third party country. I do not what you guys know about us.

How can I disable Secure Boot & UEFI ? I could not see any setting about it?

Edit: missoelling
You have to disable Secure Boot & UEFI from the Bios as I stated in my previous post. It already appears that your computer is in AHCI mode. That can also be why Windows 8 is not booting. Turn SATA controller in the Configuration screen in the Bios to UEFI, and then Windows 8 should boot back up.

As long as you did not mess up the MBR. Then you will need to get a hold of a set of DVD's from the manufacturer to restore your computer back to Windows 8.

If you leave it in AHCI, then just install Xubuntu, or Ubuntu. I would suggest to make the DVD drive first boot, your Internal Hard drive the second boot while installing Ubuntu. When done, make the Hard drive as the first boot devie.
You have to disable Secure Boot & UEFI from the Bios as I stated in my previous post. It already appears that your computer is in AHCI mode. That can also be why Windows 8 is not booting. Turn SATA controller in the Configuration screen in the Bios to UEFI, and then Windows 8 should boot back up.

As long as you did not mess up the MBR. Then you will need to get a hold of a set of DVD's from the manufacturer to restore your computer back to Windows 8.

If you leave it in AHCI, then just install Xubuntu, or Ubuntu. I would suggest to make the DVD drive first boot, your Internal Hard drive the second boot while installing Ubuntu. When done, make the Hard drive as the first boot devie.

I am almost crashing my Windows. I chanched the AHCI to compatible windows give me blue screen and does not boot anything again. I get back the chance to AHCI then it tried some repair then it work fine again.

It is very bad stiation what I am going to if my windows crash?
The AHCI setting has nothing to do with UEFI or Secure boot, why did you change that? Changing it after Windows is installed will crash your system, as you found out.
How I am going to change UEFI or Secure boot setting. I could not see any setting. Pictures are there. Look at my first message.

My problem is still exists. Any other suggestion?