despite importing my backed up .iaf files containing all that information already.
I've tried to explain in my post above, and also in the Tutorials spoiler notes.
I don't like to mix the two backup methods, and don't like using .iaf with the new Windows Backup/Restore procedures
Mixing of account info between the two methods can and does happen, which can be detrimental.
For one thing when using .iaf files, know that each iaf only contains info for one account only, and so you would need to create one on each and every account, and so if you have 15 accounts you would need to export on each one - HOWEVER, it's known that .iaf files export more than just passwords, they also export it's xxxxxxx.oeaccount info as well as many other things (edit them and see for yourself) The Backup/Restore procedure I give (no .iaf exports or imports needed or wanted) gets EVERYTHING at once (except name/pass) (security feature) ..however the latest Win10 upgrades (I've seen myself) ..change those xxxxx.oeaccount names, etc, and so here's where mixing comes in where in your new updated message store folder contains one unique xxxxxx.oeaccount numbers which was changed by the upgrade, and then you merge an old .iaf file which had another - and you have a mismatch and incorrect info - it gets complex.
That's why I say, and I stand by the exact procedure of the Backup/Restore method, which contains EVERYTHING needed (except name/pass) (security precaution)
...and in the process of my Backup/Restore method, which includes after the upgrade you delete the new message store folder created and the new corrupted info along with it, and place the last saved working backup message store folder in its place, which automatically takes care of everything preventing mixing. The last working backup contains everyting needed, it worked before and it will work again. By the nature of the delete of the new one removes the new xxx.oeaccount files, etc, etc, created by the upgrade which are not compatible with the old, etc, etc, etc, on many levels x10.
It's too much to explain every single time to each person, sorry.
Either do the Backup/Restore procedure completely and correctly (which Peter you did not I can tell) ..or move on to another email client going forward.
All the info is in the tutorial, including spoilers, of which to explain every mi-nute detail more than what I have, would take too many pages besides what I already give in Post 1 & 2 ...and I can tell people don't read completely what I have there already in the first place, you haven't <g> .. <g> I want to be considerate and respectful, but at the same time frank..
People either need to do it the right way the first time, as outlined in Post 1 & 2, including the Backup/Restore procedure - No Exceptions anymore! ..or move on to another supported email client.
Thank you for your understanding.