How to reinstate WinMail onto Windows 8/10/11

The files you want are in the "" on post 2, but don't just pick and choose skipping some attachments, use all the ones on post 1 And post 2 that pertain to your OS bit.

It amazes me sometimes I can see that people will skip over downloading one attachment or another, I never could understand why they do that unless it was a mistake and they missed it. I'm not saying You did, I'm just saying I Have Seen other people have done that before, and it won't right work unless it's all applied correctly.

I just wondered if the procedure will not work with 1903

You saw the v1903 screenshot on post 2 that I put there showing it does work right? ...that's why I took the time to install every version throughout the years, and posted all those tested/working screenshots shown there as you can see yes of course it works on v1903, and it works on all of them actually ..well, so far anyway!
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Now the accounts window works too. I simply forgot to copy the acctres.dll.mui in System32\en-US. Sometimes it is as simple as that. Thanks for your answers.

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Good job Shakti23, glad to hear you got WinMail going again...

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I could not import saved messages from my last windows 10 . I open up import and nothing is in the window to choose anything? Nevermind forgot one reg file!! Thanks
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Nevermind forgot one reg file!! Thanks

I am glad you figured it out, good work. No you can't miss any of the necessary attachments or it won't work.

..btw though, use the Backup & Restore procedure instead of import, it's faster and more accurate.

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Comcast port number 587 no longer working. Anyone know a port number that will work?

The message could not be sent. The authentication setting might not be correct for your outgoing e-mail [SMTP] server. For help solving this problem, go to Help, search for "Troubleshoot Windows Mail", and read the "I'm having problems sending e-mail" section. If you need help determining the proper server settings, please contact your e-mail service provider.

The rejected e-mail address was '. Subject 'Fw: xxxxxxxx ', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '550 5.1.0 Authentication required', Port: 587, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 550, Error Number: 0x800CCC78

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Come on guys, please make a better post of information first; iow, Bill818 are you using Windows 8 like your profile says, or did you update to Windows 10 recently? Explain more details of what you have, and what you did, it all matters, and even as to what post attachments you used, and correctly.

Did you ever have WinMail working on anything before..? us help you by giving more complete information up front, thank you.

Send/Receive errors and resolve is also mentioned in the "Important Time Line Notes" post 1 spoiler which I assume you've thoroughly already read?
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endeavor, i'm currently using win10 (1903)....waiting on 1909 so I can start this process over AGAIN. I will tell you a friend of mine,Comcast customer, has the same issue.

Ref your question has Winmail been working and the answer YES, but just,month or so ago, started giving the error in my previous post.

I'll wait for 1909 and do another clean install and see if I have better results.

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I still need more exact info Bill, for instance, was it right after you doing an update (or an automatic update) is that when WinMail stopped working? Yes or No? ..or did it just stop working all on it's own when No Updates whatsoever! were done?

Does your friend use WinMail as well? ..and same questions for him as above.

Depending on your answers above will tell me if it's you, or Comcast having newly changed something around that affects the way WinMail is using its old POP3 Protocol for mail clients.
I think the problem is on your end, not positive, but again your precise memory of the events and your correct accurate answers will lend us the truth.

Waiting for v1909 will not solve the problem, as it will not contain a new fix or anything to solve the issue.
However, if a fresh install solves the problem no matter what newer Win10 version you are using, then that tells us it's a corrupted message store issue, and that is fixed as mentioned in a previous post but best see the Post 1 spoiler of "Important Time Line Notes" for Note: 7/2019 - The resolve will be doing a Restore of the Backup/Restore procedures, or if you don't have one, then a last resort message store folder deletion... but see those spoiler notes of what to do though.

I've made some additions in the Post 1 spoiler "Important Time Line Notes" for Note: 7/2019 ..making wording changes and I've also added error screenshots.
Also Bill pay close attention what to do as a last resort for message store corruption, where you could find out in 5 seconds if that what's wrong with yours or not (but first save it somewhere just in case)
I've also edited the wording of the "Backup/Restore Procedure" about when doing a restore NOT copy/pasting one message store folder over another which will cause 'for sure' message store corruptions; but properly read the instructions there.
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Endeavor, couple of things I'll pass along. 1), yes my friend does use Winmail and brought it to my attention.2), yesterday I installed Winmail on a new compute(win10) after ALL the MS updates were applied. Unfortunately, I get the error. No doubt Comcast has made a change .

I will tell you my friend and I can receive mail using Winmail however sending will not work. Thx again for the help.

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Okay Bill, then it's really out of my hands since I don't have Comcast and can't do any more trouble shooting with it.

However of course a quick check on Google I came up with a few things you could try, here's a few links to click:

Scroll down to the Outlook Express instructions.
Update Your Xfinity Email POP Port Settings – Xfinity

(All these Ports and Settings there are sure different that what I use though, but I do have my own private server and so I can't compare it really)

Also some more info here, but I'm not sure if it's newer or older info than the above links info:
How to access your (Comcast) email account using IMAP

winmail comcast change email ports - Google Search

Be discerning about what you use and try.

Also, you can contact the Comcast provider you get your service from, and ask them! I'd advise though not to mention you are using Windows Mail on Windows 10, and just say you're using Vista or something.. ..which brings up a good point, I am wondering if you or anyone you know who still has Vista to try, and using your same provider, is their Vista still working? ..and what are their settings?

All logical questions in order to narrow down and rule out causes and answers

Which reminds me, you never did answer my question:
Was your WinMail fully working on Win10? ..and then did it stop working all the sudden right after you did a manual update (or an automatic update) that when WinMail stopped working?
..or did it just stop working all on it's own when No Updates whatsoever were done?
Or something else...? ..Details matter in order to narrow it down, and I get the feeling you're missing telling me something.

Let us know how you make out!

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Until a few hours ago, I've been receiving e-mails without a single glitch. I've restarted since then, and I can no longer receive or send mail. I get the same error across all four of my accounts, through Gmail and AOL as the e-mail providers. In all four cases, I get the following error:

Error: Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity.

Protocol: IMAP
Port: 993
Secure(SSL): 1
Code: 800ccc0f

Thinking it was a corruption glitch, I (1) removed the %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows Mail directory, deleted the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Mail registry key, and started fresh by applying the instructions in posts 1 and 2. After readding one of my Gmail accounts using the information found here, the only difference from that point was that there was an addition to the error message: Your IMAP command could not be sent to the server, due to non-network errors. This could, for example, indicate a lack of memory on your system.

The error code, however remains the same, and there were no applied updates in the interim, as I choose to do so manually. If it matters any, I am now running the 32-bit version of Windows 10, Version 1809 (OS Build 17763.832), thinking it was a Windows glitch. I was previously running the initial build of 1809 when the error first popped up, OS Build 17763.379.

Seeing that Winmail was previously working, and that starting fresh made no difference, is there anything else I should do before giving up? Maybe I should do a scan to see if some component of the Windows installation broke when I restarted. That's what I'll do in the morning, but a Comcast account, also using SSSL on port 993, can receive mail without issue. I wonder if it's some sort of DNS issue somewhere...
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Okay Bill, then it's really out of my hands since I don't have Comcast and can't do any more trouble shooting with it.

However of course a quick check on Google I came up with a few things you could try, here's a few links to click:

Scroll down to the Outlook Express instructions.
Update Your Xfinity Email POP Port Settings – Xfinity

(All these Ports and Settings there are sure different that what I use though, but I do have my own private server and so I can't compare it really)

Also some more info here, but I'm not sure if it's newer or older info than the above links info:
How to access your (Comcast) email account using IMAP

winmail comcast change email ports - Google Search

Be discerning about what you use and try.

Also, you can contact the Comcast provider you get your service from, and ask them! I'd advise though not to mention you are using Windows Mail on Windows 10, and just say you're using Vista or something.. ..which brings up a good point, I am wondering if you or anyone you know who still has Vista to try, and using your same provider, is their Vista still working? ..and what are their settings?

All logical questions in order to narrow down and rule out causes and answers

Which reminds me, you never did answer my question:
Was your WinMail fully working on Win10? ..and then did it stop working all the sudden right after you did a manual update (or an automatic update) that when WinMail stopped working?
..or did it just stop working all on it's own when No Updates whatsoever were done?
Or something else...? ..Details matter in order to narrow it down, and I get the feeling you're missing telling me something.

Let us know how you make out!


Outgoing Mail (SMTP) 465 is the answer for Comcast......for now.

You MUST check This server requires a secure connection (SSL) for Outgoing Mail (SMTP)

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Until a few hours ago, I've been receiving e-mails without a single glitch. I've ...

Good job tmthywynn8 explaining details.
fwiw, a side note, you did not need to delete the WinMail HKCU as it only contains non-account info as explained in the post 1 spoilers, and I tell everyone to back that up on a working setup for when they do a new fresh OS install, then merging of your previous automatically sets those particular personal settings up again so you don't have to do that from scratch.

It's the message store folder alone that contains all account information, etc, and I tell everyone to make a backup of that too, while it's working! ..then when needed, it saves many hours of time and prevents lost emails, when you can delete the current and put your backup in its place.
A backup of the WinMail HKCU AND the message store folder, is PRICELESS, to solving problems in seconds, rather than days.

Everyone should have them saved ahead of time !!!

Anyway, to your specific problem, if you are positive! that no WU happened, or, that you did not pick up malware where both could take effect after a reboot, or in the interim a change in your router, modem, or ISP, or GMAIL servers ...these are the things that seem likely to narrow it down to the cause. An OS partition image restore could clear up the local answer.

After reading one of my Gmail accounts using the information found here, that what you used for Gmail before? ..iow, don't forget for those who set Gmail up for POP instead of your link given for IMAP

Seeing that Winmail was previously working, and that starting fresh made no difference,

Well you didn't start fresh really. A fresh OS install is fresh, or an OS partition image restore is also fresh in that sense ...a Restore of only the Backup/Restore procedures is only fresh in the sense of all WinMail local, but not problems elsewhere in the OS see my point.
OT, but what I do at least once a month or anytime I make major install changes, is I make a complete partition backups of my OS partitions while it's working perfectly. I do that for all my OS's. So if a software install or whatever problem arises, it takes me just a few minutes to complete OS restore it right back to that working moment. That answers all questions I could have of as to a cause and effect across the board.
Besides that and on top of that I always have the WinMail HKCU saved, and I also can pull my message store folder out of that backup if I don't want to restore my whole OS. I rarely have any problems though, and I never do a WU unless I create a new C:\ OS partition backup first, which a restore of that is the Ultimate protection for pretty much everything that could happen, locally anyway.

However back to you, the facts are, you say your Comcast account fully works? ..but your GMAIL does not? ..if so, logically seems to me the problem must with GMAIL downstream, either local settings (but why changed) ..or hopefully just an isolated temporary downstream occurrence; or smaller chance GMAIL just happen to change their settings requirements at that particular point in time.
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Outgoing Mail (SMTP) 465 is the answer for Comcast......for now.

You MUST check This server requires a secure connection (SSL) for Outgoing Mail (SMTP)

I am glad those links info helped, I see they had that exact info in their screenshot.
My settings are the opposite, and so yes we know that EVERYONE needs to check with and follow their OWN particular Mail Server setup instructions given for all these individual Account settings.

One final note for everyone, and I've now put this in the spoiler notes as well, is don't mistake Send/Receive errors specifically related to not having your Accounts> Properties> Server & Advanced tabs not filled in properly! with Message Store Corruption Send/Receive errors ..of course these Account setup errors are a different issue!
We know that Everyone needs to check with and follow their Own particular Mail Server setup instructions given for these settings when you first fill them out, and each company whether it be Comcast, Yahoo, Gmail, etc out these instructions and each seems to be different in one way or another, and whether you use IMAP or POP.
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Final update: Well, that's a bust. It's definitely a computer-specific issue, as I just reinstated Winmail on a cheap tablet that I primarily use for testing, and imported the same two .iaf files that I used for testing, and it worked without a hitch. Grrr. They both ran the same build of windows, except one was 32-bit and the other 64. Both are on the same network, with the same DNS used. I've cleared the DNS resolver cache before trying on both machines, and it's really annoying that it's not working as I think it should. And no, copying over the folder/registry key didn't work.

I am not running a partition restore because I'm too stubborn -- there's no way I'm doing something that drastic just for an e-mail program. It's definitely not going to get its way by throwing a tantrum, and yes, I know how ridiculous that sounds -- arguing with a nonsentient program, but it's not outwitting me I can tell you that. [Edit: Windows = 1; me = 0. Not sure what's going on, but there's probably some esoteric setting toggled somewhere.]

Next steps? Unfortunately running the traffic through Fiddler was not possible, as even though the proxy settings work for IE, the traffic was not being rerouted to Fiddler when sending/receiving mail -- whether through the rejected domains of,,, and, or through the working Comcast domains. I installed Thunderbird to see if it was a system-wide issue, and it's not. Using another user account/profile on the system, I reinstated Windows Mail, and the same problem persists. Disabled Windows Firewall and Windows Defender, and still no change. I also ran SFC and DISM to repair any corrupted files, and still nothing. The last thing I've tried is an install of Windows Live Mail (through Microsoft Essentials 2012 from, as it runs through almost the same path as Winmail does, but the same error occurred with the same level of scant information.

After enabling IMAP logging under the Troubleshooting section (Tools>Options>Advanced>Maintenance), I've determined that the underlying issue is the Microsoft Unified Security Protocol Provider, i.e., SCHANNEL, but a solution isn't found yet. This thread seemed promising, but unfortunately the digital signature wasn't my issue. Here's the relevant log fragment with the timestamps removed:
[db] Connecting to '' on port 993.
[db] OnNotify: asOld = 0, asNew = 2, ae = 0
[db] srv_name = "" srv_addr =
[db] OnNotify: asOld = 2, asNew = 3, ae = 1
[db] OnNotify: asOld = 3, asNew = 4, ae = 0
[db] Negotiating secure connection with 'Microsoft Unified Security Protocol Provider'.
[db] OnNotify: asOld = 4, asNew = 6, ae = 2
[db] OnNotify: asOld = 6, asNew = 6, ae = 4
[db] Connection to '' closed.
[db] OnNotify: asOld = 6, asNew = 1, ae = 5
[db] Connecting to '' on port 993.
[db] OnNotify: asOld = 1, asNew = 4, ae = 0
[db] Connection to '' closed.
[db] OnNotify: asOld = 4, asNew = 0, ae = 5
[db] ERROR: "Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity.", hr=800ccc0f

Honestly, I should just stop spending all this effort and give in to a simple partition restore, but I've the time, and, for the moment, and curious enough to try and find the root of the problem. I'm sure in due time I'll just call it a day, but at least I know have a specific starting point other than just a Windows Mail error. For the general end user though, my issue has nothing to do with Windows Mail as reinstated by your well-laidout guide, so I will stop spamming this thread with a me-specific issue. Thanks for your time and consideration, endeavor. While we didn't get anywhere, it's amazing how much effort you put into helping complete strangers across the interwebs.

[Edit: Leaving the last paragraph here so that the subsequent posts will make sense.]By the way Endeavor, not that I need it as I'm advanced enough to know where to go and what to do, but can you make a text equivalent of which options to check in Folder Options (post 1), and how to change ap defaults (post 2)? Would be useful for people who can't see screenshots like me, but may be useful for other people in other scenarios as well.
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...and imported the same two .iaf files that I used for testing, and it worked without a hitch.

You are not following the true WM Backup/Restore procedure then if you are using .iaf files, we don't want to mix one restore method on top of the other afterwards possibly cause mixing. As laid out in the B/R procedure, simply restoring a working message store folder is enough as it contains all properly working accounts, and much more, etc, and so if also doing a restore of an .iaf afterwards of a possibly incorrect, or not working setup, or slightly different, can cause mixing of account info, and further complicate the issue. If it's identical then no problem but why bother! ..instead it's recommended to do a message restore method, and then type in your password as indicated in the procedures.

By the way Endeavor, not that I need it as I'm advanced enough to know where to go and what to do, but can you make a text equivalent of which options to check in Folder Options (post 1), and how to change ap defaults (post 2)? Would be useful for people who can't see screenshots like me, but may be useful for other people in other scenarios as well

What do you mean you can't see screenshots, why not?

That's unacceptable! imho ...fix/change it <g>

Can you click and see within each of the Spoilers at all the written text? ..or is it just screenshots?

Who else can't see screenshots? ..or open Spoilers?

The Tutorial is getting Too Long as it is darn it, and I'd prefer not make a separate notes for screenshots - screenshots (pictures) speak a thousand words.

Everyone must be able to see screenshots, and we need to make this right one way or the other!
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What do you mean you can't see screenshots, why not?

Ah. Sorry I haven't made it clear. I can't see the screenshots because I'm blind and have no useful visual acuity to speak of. So for your screenshots, which are nicely named by the way, I hear "graphicFolderOptionsSet.jpg" and "graphic SetDefault.jpg" (love the camelCasing by the way).

Not sure how to effectively communicate the above screenshots with words, but maybe we can expand the text given for the spoilers? Honestly though, since we can't have alt text for the images, it's not all that important in the grand scheme of things (I looked). Unless, of course, you wanted to rename the images, but I don't know how feasible that is to do.

If you wanted to expand the spoiler text, the first one could read, "Screenshot of Folder Options settings with Show hidden files, folders, and drives on, Hide extensions for known file types off, and Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) off", but that's a big mouthfull and rather unwieldy. The second one is a little easier, "Set WinMail Default Mail Client under Settings, Apps, Default apps, Email", but none of them are anywhere near elegant.

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Ah. Sorry I haven't made it clear. I can't see the screenshots because I'm blind and have no useful visual acuity to speak of

Oh heck, darn, shoot, I'm sorry I did not expect that was to be the answer.
Gosh, you really really do very well then and I would not have known at all ! ..and so well done with that!

I was actually thinking this the other day, I wish for those who can't see well, that their third eye (pineal gland) would open and that they could at least see everything in pure energy.

Well I'm glad you like the camelCasing at least.
I never ever thought about anyone not reading the words with their eyes on my posts, gosh....

Unless, of course, you wanted to rename the images, but I don't know how feasible that is to do.

Well that would be too much wording even for an attached Screenshot name 'file' length, and I would especially never do it to attachments since besides it would start those counters at Zero again, and I did that once to most of them and lost their counts, and I'll not do it again; I like to keep a running count anyway.

If you need any help with identifying Reading anything tmthywynn8, just PM me, and I will try to help where I can. Normally I do not do help via PM but of course your eyesight is different; otherwise post your tech questions on the group since it helps all members.

God, you do really so well I can tell just by all the things you said in your posts, impressive it is! I noticed you even clicked the Thanks button on my Post #2 yesterday ..heck, you can't even see and you found that button, and I REALLY APPRECIATED that, and come to find out today you are blind.. Heck, most people that CAN see it don't even bother to click that Thanks button, grrrrrrr (smile)
So I just put a Thanks click on all your posts to express my appreciation, and for your tenacity to tackle computer tech.

fyi, my post here was edited compared to the one you received in your email notifications (if you have it turned on anyway)
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Thanks, endeavor. Honestly being blind has nothing to do with anything, hence me not bringing it up until I inquired about the screenshots. It's not really for my sake either, as the first thing I do on a fresh install of windows, besides removing UAC (the horror), is to change the folder's view to show me everything Microsoft thinks it should hide for user-friendliness, but I Like my file extensions and supposed hidden files, thank you very much. As far as the screenshot for making Winmail the default, a text description is not really needed since Windows does pop up a thing about making Windows Mail the default opener for some extensions (I think), though doesn't link to the settings which is rather dumb.

Your guide has been quite detailed, and I refer back to it from time to time as the definitive guide that's constantly updated with the current state of Windows chicanery.

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