How Microsoft can salvage Windows 8 before it's too late

This is a tough challenge, given that Windows 8 is only a few months away from release. There's not a lot that Microsoft can do in this time. However, given that the Redmond giant has already gone on the record to say that the UI that we see in the Windows 8 Release Preview is not what will be in the final release, it's safe to say that things are in a certain state of flux.

As I've said on numerous occasions, the biggest problem with Windows 8 is the way that the dumbed-down Metro UI has been unceremoniously bolted onto the mature and well-refined "Classic" user interface. While there's no doubt that the existing UI is flawed, bolting on a UI designed for touch devices is not the answer.

OK, you asked me to keep this concise, so here it is. Here's how I think Microsoft should tweak Windows 8 before it's released:

Read more at:
How Microsoft can salvage Windows 8 before it's too late | ZDNet
See? You're missing my point. You could of seen screenshots of it, and by that if you felt it as distasteful, could of saved yourself aggravation of downloading, and installing it.

Never judge anything 100% based on a few screenshots when you can download and give it a whirl.

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Windows 8 is superb IMHO.

Half the people who have tried it seem to be 'fixated' on the 'Win 8 Metro UI'. One click takes you to the desktop. Or install Classic Menu. Start menu is back and boots to desktop. So you 'see' the 'Metro UI' for a second or so... And???

Transparency is missing? SO WHAT!!!!

Everything is quicker and it is STABLE. The file system is especially impressive. Really, really quick. I have had Win 8 RTM on my computer for a week or so. Have not turned the computer off either.
It hasn't missed a beat and has not crashed or glitched at all.

Reading the so called 'IT Pros' preview reviews of Win 8, just makes me mad. These 'experts' are what is wrong with the IT industry in general. Knee jerk reactions and negative comments abound!!! Most of this is based on the RP version.

Some people will love it and some will hate it. Windows 7 is off my computer forever. Yes it was good and pretty, but still plagued with the same issues as Vista. Namely the horribly slow filing system...

I think MS needs to praised for not just 'rehashing' the same old crap. At least they are trying to do something about performance.
Maybe the 'children's UI' bolt on is a mistake, but get to the desktop. That's where the improvements shine!!!!!

Or could say buy proper hardware and it be fast, win7 flies on my SSD.

Also its no good been faster if it takes longer to use the GUI because its inefficient for use with a mouse.

I have the latest hardware.

The filing system in Win 7 has problems copying larger files. Same problem as Vista.
Despite the 'patch' and Service Pack, this problem still exists.

Same knee jerk reactions. If an OS 'scares' him, he's not very good is he?? I mean, Come On!!!!

Just install the OS and have a play with it yourself. It's the only way you will find out if it suits you.

Win 8 is my main OS. Brilliant OS IMHO.
Windows 7 is long gone.....

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    windows 8
Everything is quicker and it is STABLE. The file system is especially impressive. Really, really quick.

Microsoft has done a lot in direction stability comparing with older Windows systems which had to be rebooted after some days !
Pressing WindowsKey brings you to desktop and a start-menu can always be created (if somebody misses it).

Typing on metro brings you fast to any installed app.
I think it is just a matter of time for users to adopt metro.

Windows 8 has two UIs and this is better than having just the old desktop.

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    XP, Win7, Win8_Eval
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    Acer Notebook
Everything is quicker and it is STABLE. The file system is especially impressive. Really, really quick.

Microsoft has done a lot in direction stability comparing with older Windows systems which had to be rebooted after some days !
Pressing WindowsKey brings you to desktop and a start-menu can always be created (if somebody misses it).

Typing on metro brings you fast to any installed app.
I think it is just a matter of time for users to adopt metro.

Windows 8 has two UIs and this is better than having just the old desktop.

Yet again, the "Typing to bring you to an app" is the SAME feature that Windows 7 start menu has always had /exactly/. AND it's not very helpful unless you know the name of the program that your running. It's a dodgy feature at best, even more hidden than on windows 7 where it never got used in the first place :/

One reason it never got used on Windows 7 is it wasn't needed! The start menu was all you needed to go ANYWHERE in the system. Now, Metro is so obtuse that suddenly that feature is now /needed/ far more often. That is actually a damnation of the UI, not something to praise :(

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    Windows 7/8
Everything is quicker and it is STABLE. The file system is especially impressive. Really, really quick. I have had Win 8 RTM on my computer for a week or so. Have not turned the computer off either.
It hasn't missed a beat and has not crashed or glitched at all.

You say that like it's some big achievement. I could say the same thing about my Windows 7 system, which I reboot a couple of times a month, and only when I have to, due to applying an update or for other reasons that have nothing to do with crashing or stability. I sleep it several times a day, and it's rock solid.

The filing system in Win 7 has problems copying larger files. Same problem as Vista.
Despite the 'patch' and Service Pack, this problem still exists.

What are you talking about? I routinely copy files that are > 10 GB in size and hundreds of GBs at a time. I've done so to internal drives, eSATA and USB external drives, and across the network. I've had no problems with Windows 7, and before trusting a system, I verify it copies files correctly. As for speed, Windows 7 is very fast, sustaining from 60-100 MB/s even to a WD green drive on SATA and 700-800 Mbps over my Gb network. So I really have no idea what you're going on about.

My Computer

System One

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    Windows 8.1 Pro with Media Center
The filing system in Win 7 has problems copying larger files. Same problem as Vista.
Despite the 'patch' and Service Pack, this problem still exists.

Which "filing system" do you think you are using in win8 - and would you care to enlighten us as to how it differs from the one in win7?

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    7/8/ubuntu/Linux Deepin
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I realise it's NTFS. Duh!!!

I'm not saying this OS is better than that OS....

You like Windows 7. Continue to use it then!!!

I like Windows 8. It works better for me than Windows 7. End of story.

We'll leave it there.....

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System One

  • OS
    windows 8
You are entitled to like it , of course.

Others are entitled not to like it.

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    7/8/ubuntu/Linux Deepin
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There might be some increase in copying speed in win8 - it is possble, but if so, it is so small, I haven't noticed.

I don't wish to dampen your excitement, but have you considered that a new clean install will seem snappier than the win7 you have had installed for some time. That is normal. A fresh install of win7 will appear faster, too.

There are also psychological factors.

If you are presented with a moving screen/window ( as in the new file copy dialogue), it feels less time has passed than if you were staring at something static.

That is why MS keep something moving during the boot process - even if it is only a spinning wheel - it seems quicker than if you were staring at a blank screen. They do it to improve the "customer experience".

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OK people. All your comments are valid. I'm no novice at this. I have been writing programs and installing OS since well before Windows 1.0 (which was laughable by the way!!). I built my first computer myself when I was living in the US in late 1978. From a kit no less. We are spoiled these days, and I'm glad that everyone has access to all this technology.

Understand all the supposed psychological 'factors' too.

Any comments will NOT dampen my enthusiasm. I installed Win 8 with a great deal of skepticism too. MS have pleasantly surprised me with their latest OS. There were a few driver 'problems', but these were ironed out fairly quickly.

Overall I am impressed. Yeah, the 'non Metro UI' is a joke, but the desktop is there so I'm happy.
If you are happy with Windows 7 (I was too), then by all means keep using it. I'm not saying anybody should upgrade.
I'm just saying that I like Win 8.

If that's a crime, then I'm guilty your honour.......

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  • OS
    windows 8
You can like anything you want - I happen to like spinach, so there you go.

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    7/8/ubuntu/Linux Deepin
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geddeeee, that's incorrect. Windows 8 uses WFS (Windows File System), and not NTFS (New Technology File System).

Sorry mate, you are wrong. WFS or to give it the proper title: ReFS (Resilient Filing System) is only available in Windows Server 2012. Win 8 still uses NTFS. I'm sure there are some performance improvements in Win 8 NTFS.

There is a 'standalone' version of ReFS, but it's not too stable and is a bit of a handsome frog to get to work properly....

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  • OS
    windows 8
Well I think if Win8 is not going to be a success, it is because you get Vista (ouch), then you get Win7 (decent) then you get Win8 (best ever) and next year probably Win9 (ouch...MS is costing too much).

The same with Office.

there lies the problem. You do not buy on OS every year, you do not buy a new car every year......


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    WINDOWS 8.1 x64
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    ASUS P8Z77-V
    KINGSTON 2400 MHZ KHX24C11K4 16GB
    Graphics Card(s)
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    Philip BDL3245€ 32 inch
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    1920 x 1080
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    2 SAMSUNG 840 PRO RAID 0 ON BOARD 2 x 128 GB
    LOGITEC MX™ 5500
    LOGITEC MX 5500
    Internet Speed
    120 Mbps
there lies the problem. You do not buy on OS every year, you do not buy a new car every year......


XP was released in Oct of 2001
Vista was released in Jan of 2007
7 was released in July of 2009
8 is slated for release in Oct of 2012.

So, it's not a release per year.

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System One

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    Windows 7
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    Gigabyte GA-EP45-UD3R rev. 1.1, F12 BIOS
    8GB G.Skill PI DDR2-800, 4-4-4-12 timings
    Graphics Card(s)
    EVGA 1280MB Nvidia GeForce GTX570
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    Realtek ALC899A 8 channel onboard audio
    Monitor(s) Displays
    23" Acer x233H
    Screen Resolution
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    Intel X25-M 80GB Gen 2 SSD
    Western Digital 1TB Caviar Black, 32MB cache. WD1001FALS
    Corsair 620HX modular
    Antec P182
    ABS M1 Mechanical
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    15/2 cable modem
    Other Info
    Windows and Linux enthusiast. Logitech G35 Headset.