Why can't you do yourself a favor then and find a legitimate source to support your claims? Instead, you link to more forum posts!!! And forum posts, BTW, that don't even back your claims!!! 
Note your first link, a forum post, refers to the OP using HDTune. A HD diagnostic program, not a wipe program like DBAN.
Your second link, another forum post, is answered by suggesting diagnostic tools. And the other responder suggests, as I noted before, a "full" format to identify and "map" out any bad sectors.
I've been saying full format all along. Not you! Why are you suddenly suggesting a "full" format was your suggestion?
You really should do your homework a bit better.
Here is the "official" Microsoft TechNet description of the DiskPart Command-Line Options. Note for Clean and Clean [all] it says,
Note there is nothing there that says it looks for, diagnoses, and marks as bad any bad sectors it encounters. It merely writes zeros to those locations.

Note your first link, a forum post, refers to the OP using HDTune. A HD diagnostic program, not a wipe program like DBAN.
Your second link, another forum post, is answered by suggesting diagnostic tools. And the other responder suggests, as I noted before, a "full" format to identify and "map" out any bad sectors.
Now hold on there!A full format is since Windows Vista consideredas zero-writing

Now you are asking me to prove unicorns and bigfoot don't exist. How many products are you aware of that list what they can't do?I'm curious about your sources that explicitly say that zero-writing does NOT mark bad sectors
I used the command prompt "Clean All" to zero-write the HDD. What I'm stating here is the description of what zero-writing in general does.

Here is the "official" Microsoft TechNet description of the DiskPart Command-Line Options. Note for Clean and Clean [all] it says,
Removes any and all partition or volume formatting from the disk with focus. On master boot record (MBR) disks, only the MBR partitioning information and hidden sector information are overwritten. On GUID partition table (GPT) disks, the GPT partitioning information, including the Protective MBR, is overwritten; there is no hidden sector information.
Specifies that each and every sector on the disk is zeroed, which completely deletes all data contained on the disk.
Note there is nothing there that says it looks for, diagnoses, and marks as bad any bad sectors it encounters. It merely writes zeros to those locations.