Dell Venue 8 Pro - does anybody have one

It is supposed to have GNSS which is a superset of GPS. The real problem is that there is no really good navigation software for Windows like there is for Android where they have tons.
It depends what you mean by good. The 2 Windows packages I have personally used, MS Street & Trips (2013 version currently on sale for $20) and the DeLorme Street Atlas are both head and shoulders above anything I have seen in the Android world, especially in regards to route planning. Here's a link for a free 14-day trial of Streets & Trips

The issue seems to be that the built-in GPS hardware in the Win 8 tablets has a new interface (doesn't use a COM port) and I'm not aware of any windows software that is updated to use the new interface. Microsoft Does It Again? | Geoff Coupe's Blog
Madcratebuilder - Are you sure it has a GPS? Everything I have read says that the V8P does not have GPS and that only the future LTE models will include GPS since it is built-in to that chipset.

I've run that "My GPS Location" app on Win 8.1 on a VM that I know for a fact does not have GPS. The app doesn't report that there is no GPS installed, it simply uses location info via the wifi. On mine, it isn't very accurate since it reports my current location as approximately 1.5 miles north of my actual location.

After playing with it and seeing it's only accurate to 5k meters I agree no GPS. They go out of way to make it appear it gps. It would be interesting to see what it reports when you are out in the boonies.
Thanks Bruce. Another sad Microsoft story. As the man says:

The left hand of Microsoft clearly has no clue what the right hand is doing.

Maybe I buy the new Nexus 7 after all (I left my old N7 in Europe). At least I know that works.
It is supposed to have GNSS which is a superset of GPS. The real problem is that there is no really good navigation software for Windows like there is for Android where they have tons.
It depends what you mean by good. The 2 Windows packages I have personally used, MS Street & Trips (2013 version currently on sale for $20) and the DeLorme Street Atlas are both head and shoulders above anything I have seen in the Android world, especially in regards to route planning. Here's a link for a free 14-day trial of Streets & Trips

Interestingly this version comes with a "GPS locator" @ 50$ that plugs in your laptop.

Review here;
Microsoft Streets & Trips 2013 with GPS Locator Review & Rating |

GPS Software Shim

Centrafuse have developed a "software shim" that couples the GPS data that is delivered through the new Windows 8 Location APIs to the legacy virtual COM ports that software such as Streets & Trips still use.

See Centrafuse Inc. - Centrafuse Localizer. It is designed to output sensor data to a virtual comm port.
Looks like the "shim" has a loose fit, from the bottom of the Centrafuse Localizer page:


The number of active satellites and signal strength is simulated. It DOES NOT represent the quality of the actual GPS/GNSS signal and is provided for protocol compatability only.
The Windows location platform is limited to a 1hz refresh rate (once a second). At higher rates of speed, the displayed map position may lag behind the actual vehicle position.
Under NO circumstances should this product be used for precision navigation. It is provided "as-is", and intended for recreational use only. No warranty is given or implied as to the accuracy or availability of location information.

If it can't be used for precision navigation then I'm not sure what good it would be.
That's not the shim - that's the result of Microsoft's design of the Windows 8 Lcation APIs... The GPS APIs are the ugly sisters of the Sensor family. They are not even deemed worthy of a mention in this Microsoft article:

Choosing the right sensor
Why place so much importance on gps in a tablet? Maybe I'm missing something. I have gps in my cars along with onstar, gps in my pocket with my SG3, do I need it in my tablet...nah. I know where I am and where I'm going.

I spent 8-10 hours with the Venue this weekend, runs as expected, excellent battery life, fast considering it runs windoze. Better than expected wifi reception. Certainly more versatile then my KHD pro or Chromebook.

ETA: Odd that the site auto corrects my spelling of windows when I type w I n d o z e.
Anyone purchase the venue 11 yet and reviews please?
Why place so much importance on gps in a tablet? Maybe I'm missing something. I have gps in my cars along with onstar, gps in my pocket with my SG3, do I need it in my tablet...nah. I know where I am and where I'm going.

I spent 8-10 hours with the Venue this weekend, runs as expected, excellent battery life, fast considering it runs windoze. Better than expected wifi reception. Certainly more versatile then my KHD pro or Chromebook.

ETA: Odd that the site auto corrects my spelling of windows when I type w I n d o z e.

You are being spoiled with an array of equipment. But I have only the tab for navigation - no phone, no On-Star, no other navigation equipment. And in that case, GPS becomes an important feature.
Everyone has their own requirements for what they want in a tablet and no one can say that another persons want or need is valid or not. Some want GPS, some want to take handwritten notes, some want to be able to run legacy Windows apps while others want a smaller or larger screen. All are valid and that's why it's great that we have choices.
IMHO 8" Windows 8.1 tablets are a good buy right now if you can get them on sale, I believe the 32GB Venue 8 Pro was $199 on Black Friday.

For 10" and up Windows 8.1 tablets just wait till Intel gets 64-Bit drivers ready before buying a bigger Windows 8.1 tablet since most of the current Atom tablets with Windows 8.1 (full not RT) only have 2GB ram and are all only running 32-Bit OS's ATM.
IMHO 8" Windows 8.1 tablets are a good buy right now if you can get them on sale, I believe the 32GB Venue 8 Pro was $199 on Black Friday.

That was the price for the Android version. The Windows 8 version was $299 but Dell included the sleeve which was worth $40.

They wanted to give me an extra $50 off if I refrained from returning it - but I returned it half an hour ago - although $249 with the sleeve would have been a good price. Without GPS or GNSS and no working navigation applications it is less useful for me. Will just wait or get the new Nexus 7 (left my old Nexus 7 in Europe).
Pass the 32gb version ..not enough for W8....With 64gb I have only 27gb free after one week. you can also use the sd card for another 32.
I wish they would not even offer the 32 gb version. It's too small. When you go to upgrade to 8.2, it will probably not have enough space for the Windows.old folder.