Dell Venue 8 Pro - does anybody have one


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I just ordered the Venue 8 Pro. I was wondering whether it has a GPS. The specs are not saying it. And are there navigation programs like on Android.
I've had my V8Pro for just a few hours and just installed a free MS app named "My GPS Location" so yes it does have gps.

I splurged and bought a new W8 lap top and this Dell V8pro, ultra neat stuff, I'm as happy as a clam at high tide.

So much to learn.
Madcratebuilder - Are you sure it has a GPS? Everything I have read says that the V8P does not have GPS and that only the future LTE models will include GPS since it is built-in to that chipset.

I've run that "My GPS Location" app on Win 8.1 on a VM that I know for a fact does not have GPS. The app doesn't report that there is no GPS installed, it simply uses location info via the wifi. On mine, it isn't very accurate since it reports my current location as approximately 1.5 miles north of my actual location.
After further research I found out that there is no GPS. I asked the question to the Newegg customers who already have the Venue 8 pro and these were the answers:


Based on that I RMAd mine because my Dell sales rep had told me twice that the device had GPS. I am going to buy this Lenovo tablet which is practically the same at the same price and it has GPS (even GNSS).
Lack of GPS is not an issue for me since I use my Android phone for GPS navigation. I have a Nexus 7 tablet with GPS and have never attempted to use it for navigation so have no reason to believe I will want to use the V8P for navigation either.

Should I have the desire, I have a Bluetooth GPS receiver I'm relatively sure will work with it. I will test that out after I receive the V8P tomorrow.
I'm 99% sure that my Dell rep said no GPS.

Nice write up from Paul thurott on this device. I kinda want one, but I think I would be annoyed by Paul's concerns.
I want the ability to run Windows legacy apps and don't really care about Metro apps so the "ecosystem" is not important to me. I ordered the stylus specifically to make selecting items on the small screen easier and, hopefully, not frustrating.

Many are complaining about the stylus' poor note taking capability which I have no interest in. As long as the stylus allows me to tap on things without misfires, I'll be a happy camper.
Lack of GPS is not an issue for me since I use my Android phone for GPS navigation. I have a Nexus 7 tablet with GPS and have never attempted to use it for navigation so have no reason to believe I will want to use the V8P for navigation either.

Should I have the desire, I have a Bluetooth GPS receiver I'm relatively sure will work with it. I will test that out after I receive the V8P tomorrow.

You are well equipped. But I have only the tablet. On my Nexus 7 I use the navigation all the time - but I left the N7 in Europe. Thought it would be nice to have a Windows tablet. But navigation is important, else I get too often lost.
I received mine last Friday and in 2 days, I can't believe the number of W8.1 issues I had.

Wi-fi stopped working. Refresh
Windows Update stopped working. Refresh.

I lost like 3-4 hours for this. If it wasn't for the Windows version of MS Onenote I wanted, I would have gone Android big time.

And then I learnt here that it has no GPS. :think:
I bought this tablet also for use when I travel... can someone buy a GPS antenna and plug in the USB port or use BT?
It is supposed to have GNSS which is a superset of GPS. The real problem is that there is no really good navigation software for Windows like there is for Android where they have tons.
I received mine last Friday and in 2 days, I can't believe the number of W8.1 issues I had.

Wi-fi stopped working. Refresh
Windows Update stopped working. Refresh.

I lost like 3-4 hours for this. If it wasn't for the Windows version of MS Onenote I wanted, I would have gone Android big time.

And then I learnt here that it has no GPS. :think:

is this the venue 8?
please give your reviews as you get your units. with there being no real reviews out there yet about the venue 8 and 11 I am very hesitant to purchase one, ( I am looking at the venue 11 ) cyber Monday, at this point I would rather wait to see what the reviews come in as.
Dell had lots of problems with the first tablet they came out with (android based) and eventually they pulled it off, so I do not want to get the venue 11 if it has lots of problems, at least the surface pro 2 has a good rating so far
I'll better wait a few days to give it a fair review because now I am p*ssed off. Not only the insane loss of time above and the absence of GPS, but MS Onenote 2010 doesn't sync in Skydrive when from Windows 8.1. Onenote is THE reason why I wanted a Windows tablet, not the Android version, very diluted. I'll get the Office 2010 SP2, hopefully that will be enough.
Do like me - RMA the thing. There are more Windows 8" tablets coming out. Lenovo and Toshiba to start with.
I bought this tablet also for use when I travel... can someone buy a GPS antenna and plug in the USB port or use BT?
I think that a BT receiver would be the most likely to work. I will be able to let you know for sure when I receive my VP8 tomorrow.