Solved BSOD error 0xc0000225 Only have access to to BIOS and CMD

To try & fix the same problem my i7 has as the OP..........

I bought a new SSD (Samsung 500Gb Evo VNand) today, and re-installed Windows 8 from new (fastest install ever); and the problem seems to do with a 6-port USB controller device. If I unplug the USB bay from the power supply and plug my USB mouse into the PC directly, the PC works and the USB mouse stops having epilepsy; and stops interfering with everything inside the PC.
Different USB mice had had the same problem (causing the PC to be behaving in a spazmodic way [showing up as 0xc0000225 etc]).

I wonder if the PC restore point I made, and the conflict with the Windows auto-update, had caused a kind of 'flash' to the USB-port bay on re-boot; thus causing the mad-hatter behaviour of that ?

Will try my original W8 SSD again (as W8.1) to see if it will boot...

How did you get it to install - to the point of 23% error?

Do you have a 4GB USB??

Never had this much issue, ever... I think it has be something with your DVD's
I have used the Windows 8 DVD I burnt back in 2012 to get to the 23%. The link you provided, I burnt 8.1 to DVD and tried USB this is the outcome. It's just the iso and not all the files that my Windows 8 DVD has. I have a 32GB USB but nothing smaller.
the files you need are inside the ISO... What version of windows are you using to create the windows 8.1 media ISO?

In windows 7 or windows 8 / 8.1 > right click the ISO and select burn/write to CD/DVD
You have made THIS a lot harder then it is..

I asked for pic of DVD files a lot earlier - and you posted a pic of a DVD from years ago..

The reason I asked for the pic and posted a pic of the files that should be on DVD is BECAUSE I figured you where copying the iso file to dvd..

I knew, I just knew you where doing it wrong and you never really followed anything I asked you to do..

All this time - I hung in there with you..

Everything you need is in this thread..

How did you get it to install - to the point of 23% error?

Do you have a 4GB USB??

Never had this much issue, ever... I think it has be something with your DVD's

That 4Gb USB.

Microsoft told me it was too small.
I had to use an 8Gb USB.
Maybe with recent updates................the required size changed........ ????

When I was using that MS Windows link download, the mad-hatter behaviour of the PC in repair/refresh install phase disappeared (e.g. when I was previously trying "bootrec /scanos" ...ETC .... ETC ... via the W8 repair DVD [on W8.1] the keystrokes would go nuts etc.....
It was like there were USB 3 phases. Press any keyboard key and the USB mouse icon disappears, and Nothing is typed; or press once and the letter appears fifty times, or (option 3) it occasionally does it correctly. But, like a heartbeat with 3-phases, the operation was changing three times every few seconds. It made inputting 'Dos' Commands almost impossible.
[QED' the USB USB keyboard stopped being epileptic when using the Microsoft W8/W8.1 Repair fix download (even though it didn't work.. ......... ........ .Yet........... )]).

My PC works great with a fresh install on the VNand 500Gb SSD; but is a BSoD nightmare with the original SSD (which has all my files folders safely on it).

So; I am cloning the 250Gb SSD to the 500Gb VNand SSD to try and repair using the USB Windows 8 to 8.1 Repair tool.

That way, if all goes wrong on the repair, I still have a copy of evrything to try and copy across. (I have thousands of files not backed up on the 250Gb SSD as I trusted Samsung.),

Am just looking at the clone box/machine, and it indicates the clone failed.
No clone has ever failed b4.....

I am now assuming the Re-boot fclumocked my 250Gb Samsung EVO...... as well as my USB unit....


Gnashing teeth...

Back to the drawing board..... for a rethink a while.... Will try copy all contents to my spare Windows 8.1 laptop 2nd drive..

Another edit....

The Old? 250Gb EVO SSD looks fine in a USB drive bay connected to my laptop, and I can copy files across. But there are 160Gb of them.

Maybe I have to format my new EVO 500Gb VNand to be bare for the clone of the failed SSD to get onto it without issue....

Another godawful Microsoft mystery.

EDIT Again...

I am currently copying files across from the failed 250Gb SSD onto my laptop so I can try the repair programs via the 8Gb USB (as I am unable to clone the 250Gb SSD to the 500Gb SSD [and require a safety net]).
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It just boots back to the black screen.


Let us know if you have any luck dude.

I KNOW it is software related; because I tried to Clone the existing 250Gb SSD drive to the new 500Gb SSD, and all I got was PROBLEM after problem after problem, just trying to boot past BIOS.
The error said "SMART Drive fail' or something...
And when I looked that up, the advice sites said my new Samsung VNand 500Gb was failing...
So, I thought the PC had a fried component and was 'cooking' existing hardware parts I attach to the PC (a USB hub was giving me issues at the cause of this nightmare) on the Windows update reboot [after I had created a restore point on an already almost full SSD]). I think the Windows auto-update on top of the restore point I had not rebooted caused the final collapse of everything software related to the problems the pc had via the 0xc0000225 issue caused.
But I used that guys Download to an 8Gb USB stick, and installed Windows 8.1 from Scratch on the 500Gb SSD, and it works great.

So, now I have 10,000 files and programs to re-install (across some existing drive bays) as I am unable to get the other SSD to repair the boot.

I got a months work ahead of me.

All I wanted was a button on my keyboard that fixes shyte that should not be able to go wrong just by upfckuingdating..
You were supposed to burn the CONTENTS of that iso file, and not the ISO itself. Burn it using ImgBurn.
You were supposed to burn the CONTENTS of that iso file, and not the ISO itself. Burn it using ImgBurn.
Whatever happened to our mindreading abilities...... :sarc:

As for my Pc,

I took out the now fully working windows 8.1 500Gb SSD and put back in the 250Gb SSD and am stuck in DISKPART

Looking at 12 Drive/Partitions (connected to the other Drives I have).

With 'Volume 2' as Partition at 100Mb FAT32 with no drive letter


With 'Volume 16' as an NTFS Partition of 300Mb with no drive letter...

I really would like to fix the boot up; as I would then clone the drive to the larger SSD as I have Dozens of programs and links to thousands of files to re-install and re-connect otherwise.

Should I start a thread on my similar issue ???
That's cool rogerthat1945, just hijack my thread why don't ya lol. I marked this thread as resolved. I believe it would be more advantageous for you to start up a new thread.
After a lot of attempts :sick: :confused: :cry: ....... :shock: :geek:

THIS (solution below) FIXED IT...............
(after selecting the Windows 8.1 Pro option in the Blue Screen Repair program via the USB device that was downloaded via the link given in this thread [as I had the choice of two O/S because one of my hard drives was from Windows 7 out of an older laptop (I also upgraded to Windows 8.1])

Go into the Advanced options and run the Command Prompt.
Enter diskpart to use the DiskPart tool to ensure you have all the right partitions and to identify your EFI partition - the key thing here is that your EFI partition is formatted as FAT32:
DISKPART> sel disk 0

Disk 0 is now the selected disk.

DISKPART> list vol

Volume ### Ltr Label Fs Type Size Status Info
---------- --- ----------- ----- ---------- ------- --------- --------
Volume 0 E DVD-ROM 0 B No Media
Volume 1 C NTFS Partition 195 GB Healthy Boot
Volume 2 WINRE NTFS Partition 400 MB Healthy Hidden
Volume 3 FAT32 Partition 260 MB Healthy System
Then assign a drive letter to the EFI partition:
DISKPART> sel vol 3

Volume 3 is the selected volume.

DISKPART> assign letter=b:

DiskPart successfully assigned the drive letter or mount point.
Exit DiskPart tool by entering exit and at the command prompt run the following:
cd /d b:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\

bootrec /fixboot
Delete or rename the BCD file:
ren BCD BCD.bak
Use bcdboot.exe to recreate BCD store:
bcdboot c:\Windows /l en-gb /s b: /f ALL
The /f ALL parameter updates the BIOS settings including UEFI firmware/NVRAM, /l en-gb is to localise for UK/GB locale. The localisation defaults to US English, or use en-US.
Reboot and cross your fingers.

:geek: (I had to use jp-ja as I am in Japan [tried many attempts using 'en-us' etc)

This gave me headaches. I was going in circles for a long while. There isn't a lot of reliable info about fixing UEFI/Windows 8 at the time of writing.
To re-enable Hyper-V, I also had to run the following from an Administrator Command Prompt within Windows after rebooting:
How can I repair the Windows 8 EFI Bootloader? - Super User

Thank you to the poster here; thank you to the forum member who tried to help the OP and who provided the USB download link and thanks most of all to the poster on Super User
That's cool rogerthat1945, just hijack my thread why don't ya lol. I marked this thread as resolved. I believe it would be more advantageous for you to start up a new thread.

No problemo. ;)

Thought I would stick in the newly discovered fix.

Saved me a month of work.

Now to 'Magician' clone the SSD while the going is good.... :)
Ordinary humans would not know anything about a Master Boot Record in Windows 8.

What we look for in a google search is;- "PC wont boot due to BSoD" 'error message'. What can I do".

Almost all people on earth have never heard of a Master Boot Record, and would not know to look for one.

But it is good to know once you know.

How does one clone a drive that refuses to be cloned (or 'Imaged' [and refuses to be 'Data Migrated']); and/or refuses to be copied via Macrium Reflect &/or EaseUS...

Damn & blast...
200 attempts and counting the hours going into days.

Latest try said;-
"Backup Aborted! - Failed to create Volume Snapshot. Result Code 0x80042306"

That is from a Samsung EVO 250Gb SSD that works perfect; but will not go to either a bigger SSD nor a spinning disc.

An I have disabled everything I was supposed to disable according to a multitude of people.

No worries. Its just the computer people who know more than us who make it so difficult.