Solved BSOD error 0xc0000225 Only have access to to BIOS and CMD

Your Disk is UEFI_GPT

Disable csm support.. But before you do that that - place the file in your boot disk - rename to cmd - and run boottype.cmd from the same cmd window as above View attachment 57980

Also how are you selecting your boot media? F12 boot menu? If so your boot media is listed twice - once under uefi and again under legacy/csm > you need to select media under UEFI

When you get to the partition screen - remove every partition and allow windows to install to the unallocated space..

First two pictures show windows system recovery - you do not have a windows system recovery image on disk..

the third pic is the partition screen - remove every partition - then proceed with windows setup

In the last picture of your setup media - you are missing a file.. (my pic does not include it as I create my media a little different) >> MediaMeta.xml

Pretty sure the missing >> MediaMeta.xml << is your 23% problem..
Disable csm support.. But before you do that that - place the file in your boot disk - rename to cmd - and run boottype.cmd from the same cmd window as above BOOTTYPE.CMD.TXT
Answer - I know how to disable CSM in the BIOS, however can you provided me instruction on how to place the file in my boot disk?

Also how are you selecting your boot media? F12 boot menu? If so your boot media is listed twice - once under uefi and again under legacy/csm > you need to select media under UEFI
Answer - I hit Esc while booting up and change the boot settings in BIOS

When you get to the partition screen - remove every partition and allow windows to install to the unallocated space..
Answer - I did this however I am unable to delete the 9xxGB partition. In addition, the other partitions went to an unallocated partition which I was unable to delete. I was unable to use the unallocated space to install on.

First two pictures show windows system recovery - you do not have a windows system recovery image on disk..
Thank you.

the third pic is the partition screen - remove every partition - then proceed with windows setup

In the last picture of your setup media - you are missing a file.. (my pic does not include it as I create my media a little different) >> MediaMeta.xml

Pretty sure the missing >> MediaMeta.xml << is your 23% problem..

I am using the link you provided in a previous post to re download and install 8.1 x64. I will burn it to DVD and retry....4 hours to go for the download.
you can copy the files from the dvd to a folder on your desktop and here is the missing file, add it to the folder.. And then copy those files over to your dvd drive and reburn the dvd..

a 4GB usb is a lot easier

Should I have the txt file contain this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>








@echo off
Wpeutil updatebootinfo
for /f "tokens=2* delims= " %%A in ('reg query HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control /v PEFirmwareType') DO SET Firmware=%%B
if %Firmware%==0x1 (
ECHO ================================================================
ECHO ================================================================
if %Firmware%==0x2 (
ECHO ================================================================
ECHO ================================================================
Dude - your killing me..

boottype.cmd.txt gets renamed to boottype.cmd - when run from booted media - it tells you what mode the pc booted

the mediameta.xml was the file you where missing on your bootable dvd
I assume this PC came with windows 8

Download and create windows 8.1 media Create installation media for Windows 8.1 - Windows Help

boot from the media and when you get to the partition screen - remove every partition and allow windows to install to the unallocated space.. This MS version will read both windows 8 and windows 8.1 product keys.. You have to use a pc with win7 or better to download the media..

This all should of been fixed in post 6 - as quoted above.. 22 posts later and we are still not there
when you browse the DVD you see those files?

If so try a USB stick


I am having EXACTLY the same problem as the OP, after I cleared all my Hibernation files (to create more SSD space), then created a restore point, was asked to reboot, but while checking information on the PC, Windows 8.1 (updated from W8) decided to auto update on Feb 2015 Friday 13th Files so it did that; and when the PC rebooted I ended up in PC HELL.

I will read on (and copy your advice also [USB] even though other sites similar advice failed...); will give it a shot though...

On the Windows 8 boot repair attempts (about a hundred), my new (Microsoft) keyboard's input is somewhat schizophrenic. Press an input (scanos) command key once and nothing happens, but a few seconds press once and they keystroke is repeated fifty(ish) times. That makes inputting commands a thousand attempts.
Go into BIOS settings > disable Legacy / CSM Support > disable SecureBoot

Because from I can tell by looking at your partition pics - you are booting via UEFI and using GPT Partitions..

You need to download x64 Windows Software..


If you are installing x86 windows software you need to..

Go into BIOS settings > enable Legacy / CSM Support > disable SecureBoot
Thank you for replying KYHI, I certainly do appreciate your patience. With the link you provided, Create installation media for Windows 8.1 - Windows Help , it asks you 3 questions; language, os, and architecture. I chose english, 8.1, and x64, however it provides me with x86. I am not a smart man.

That is OK - it appears that is how MS is listing it..

Go into BIOS settings > disable Legacy / CSM Support > disable SecureBoot

Because from I can tell by looking at your partition pics - you are booting via UEFI and using GPT Partitions..

boot from the media and when you get to the partition screen - remove every partition and allow windows to install to the unallocated space..
power off your PC and as soon as you turn it on - start tapping the F12 Key - this should bring up the boot menu - then select the location where your setup media is DVD or USB