xbox showing old account which i never used


New Member
ok i will try and explain this as simple as i can .

ok my xbox is all set up in my gmail account . but when im in games and in the xbox bit, its showing my old xbox account >

say i click games and then say fifa 13 and play on xbox it says this app is logged into ****** showing my account which is dead , i want it to show my main ****** xbox account

hope someone understood that lol
go settings menu in xbox, somewhere in there, i believe under profile you can choose which microsoft account you want to log into with your xbox
i can log into my xbox account fine on my xbox . im on about if i go into games on win 8 pro 32bit and then its in the 360 game store . if i click on any of the games then play on xbox it says im logged in as ***** , and not the ***** that my xbox is set up in ...

when installing win 8 i did try and enter my details as gmail but it would not allow me
In Windows 8 are you linked to a Microsoft account? If you want a seemless experience you need to use the same Microsoft account across all your devices.
In Windows 8 are you linked to a Microsoft account? If you want a seemless experience you need to use the same Microsoft account across all your devices.

yes i know, xbox is saying i cant use my account because it is all ready being used by someone else, how can that be.

can an xbox account and windows 8 account login be the same, a different person each using one of the accounts