Download Autoruns by Sysinternals and run it:
Autoruns for Windows
Give it some time to populate with data, wait until you see the "Ready" message appear in the bottom status bar.
Click on the "Drivers" tab and look to see if you can find the file:
NTIOLib_X64.sys in the drivers list. If you can right click on it and select "Jump to Entry" from the popup menu it should jump to the location in the registry where the driver is referenced. Please right click on the referenced folder and select "Delete" from the popup menu.
Then back in Autoruns right click on the same driver and select "Jump to Folder" from the popup menu, this usually takes you to the
c:\windows\system32\drivers folder. Please rename the driver to:
NTIOLib_X64.bak and reboot your system. This will disable the driver for testing purposes.
If you do not see this driver listed in Autoruns then please check the folder:
c:\windows\system32\driver to see if it does exist, if it does please rename the file as above instructions.
Seeing as you updated it to the latest version please disregard the above information until you have tested it, if you continue to have BSODs you might consider following it.