Windows 8 search doesn't find files

Just to confirm you have tried using the explorer search instead of the Metro option; correct?

I have to say despite having windows 8 for a year I have only discovered what the metro is in the past 24 hours - I use sourceforges classic shell and my windows looks like pevious ones - I don't see the tiles (how on earth do you get out of that once in other than control alt delete?) anyway I diverge. Yes using the search as in your picture - thanks.
Hi again Trevor,

You can adjust the Classic Shell search option to just include the Programs and Files in the search results and that works well. Once done, just use the Classic Shell search option and you should be just fine. Looks similar to here but I'm using Start8 at the moment:

Screenshot (26).png

Not sure about your second question but you can return to the desktop by clicking the desktop background image or point your arrow to the top-left and click like so:


Also, depending on how you have Classic Shell optioned, the Win Key could also be used to toggle back and forth. Good luck.
Can you explain what you mean by adjusting the classic shell search option?

Hi Trevor, I don't have Classic Shell installed so you are going to have to do some research on your own; however, ALL options are available via right-clicking when hovering over the start button.
So when I search for a song called 'song title' would you expect the search to find a song called '03 song title' for example (which it doesn't)

The right click settings allows me to change the number of search finds but little else. I don't know whether its searching one or both of my drives or whether its restricted to libraries (which I have read about but don't really understand)
he right click settings allows me to change the number of search finds but little else.

I beg to differ with you on that! The search is highly customizable. You just need to review every available optuion until you find those options that are related to the search results. I can't do that for you. Good luck in finding those options because they are only a few clicks away.
Are these in classic shell or windows 8?

I'm really starting to think you are joking or just trying to pull my leg a bit. Good bye and good luck.