Windows 8 does not find my files


New Member
Looking for a file called 2014financialsummary.pdf brought me to the search. I searched for summary. It did not show up in the results.
search 2.jpg
You really cant be so vague with the details. It will not help us help you. We need all the info we can get from you. Is this the first time you have seen this happen? Is it with just this file or has it happened with other files as well? Please, we need to know more. Some people will ignore a post if it doesnt have any info for them to go off of.
You really cant be so vague with the details. It will not help us help you. We need all the info we can get from you. Is this the first time you have seen this happen? Is it with just this file or has it happened with other files as well? Please, we need to know more. Some people will ignore a post if it doesnt have any info for them to go off of.

I wasn't tyring to be vague. I had a file on my computer called 2014-financialsummary.pdf. I could not find it. I did a search for it but it did not find it. My screenshots show that the file is actually on my computer. The screenshot shows that this file did not show up in the results.

HEre is a youtube video of the same issue