Windows 8.1 Update Problems Galore: Multiple Issues


New Member
Hey everyone,

So I have a Samsung ATIV Book 4, specs below if needed. I just recently updated to Windows 8.1 and so far, I am really disappointed with it due to several issues that my laptop has started to experience.

-Screen brightness: Now, sometimes my screen will go to dimmest setting and I have no control over bringing brightness back up. The slider nor power options do anything to help, and only a restart seems to alleviate the matter.
EDIT: Possibly now fixed, but still not 100% sure. I ran a lot of software updates and I am currently in control of brightness, but time will tell if it happens again. :thumb:

-Trackpad issue: My trackpad will no longer do gestures. I can't do two finger scrolling or anything anymore, despite going through the settings and seeing that the gestures are in fact activated. My first guess is to try a driver update, and will post with results, however, it should be completely up to date.
EDIT: Definitely fixed the issue, turns out the update from 8 to 8.1 left the drivers no longer compatible and Samsung had an, albeit hidden, update to fix the problem and gestures are now working just fine. :thumb:

-"Other User"- This is my biggest issue and is really driving me through the roof. Whenever I turn the laptop on, it tries to log into "Other User" instead of my default admin account. This "Other User" is no where to be found in account management though, and when the laptop defaults to it, I get a warning for incorrect password and then have to switch back to my regular admin account. I want to delete this account and remove password log in altogether. I have done so with the computer waking from sleep, but thanks to "Other User" I can't do anything about it when turning the computer on.

I know that's a lot, and I will post any results to be had. Thanks for any and all help! :D

Samsung ATIV Book 4
Intel i5-3230M
6.00GB RAM
Intel HD 4000 Graphics
Windows 8.1 64-bit
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"Other User" is a TEMPORARY PROFILE that loads when the system cannot load your normal account profile. The issue dates back to Vista:


User Profile Error - Logged on with a Temporary Profile

The way you can tell if you have a Temp Profile loaded, is that the USER folder for the account you are logged into is TEMP. Also, the system tells you a "Temporary Profile has been Loaded" - If it says "Other User" then it's the same thing.

Basically, you have to create a NEW LOCAL USER. You log in to Safe Mode as ADMINISTRATOR, so you have to turn your Admin account ON. Once you log in to Admin Safe Mode, you create the new account, then Move - Not copy, MOVE- ALL of the files and folders from your regular account into the new account, except for all of the NTUSER.DAT files that are in the root of your old USER folder.

If you are using a MS account, you can then change it back to MS account and the new user will be renamed to what the old user was, delete the old user account folder first. You WILL have to reset any Explorer and UAC settings you had saved.

Oh yes - All of the other issues you are having stem from THIS issue- So fix the Temp Profile issue, you fix everything else.
Actually I used another method that is seeming to work. You see, it was able to load my account unlike you suggested. So, I pressed "Windows + R" and entered "netplwiz" to bring up "User Accounts". Well, only my profile displayed, obviously. Now, I had already unchecked the "Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer" check box. So, I rechecked it and applied. Then unchecked it again. When I hit apply, the box came up to enter my password to confirm. This is where the issue is at! As you know, it automatically puts the username in for you, prompting you to only enter a password. Instead of putting the username in the check box (in this case my email because it is tied to a MS account) it had my actual name displayed as the username. THIS is the problem. You have to change the username in that spot to the username displayed in "User Accounts" being careful to type that in exactly. Then, upon entering your password, it will log into that account automatically and the "Other User" account is gone.

I knew that the method you suggested above was something circulating, but at least in my case, it is way more difficult than what really needs to be done. After two restarts now, I have not seen the problem come back. Thanks for your response though!