Win 8.1 UEFI Installation from a bootable usb


I have a Dell Inspiron 7720

I have created an uefi bootable usn flash disk with rufus 1.4b

I'm trying to boot from it so i can create a Windows 8.1 uefi installation and the problem is that the usb flash disk wont boot.

I have secure boot enabled and
legacy option rom disabled.

Am i doing something wrong?
Are you booting the USB/DVD in UEFI mode?

Windows 8 Downgrade-006 SB for posting.PNG
I have a Dell Inspiron 7720

I have created an uefi bootable usn flash disk with rufus 1.4b

I'm trying to boot from it so i can create a Windows 8.1 uefi installation and the problem is that the usb flash disk wont boot.

I have secure boot enabled and
legacy option rom disabled.

Am i doing something wrong?

I found a post on the dell community forums that might help.

17R 7720 SE: Lost BIOS Access - Laptop General Hardware Forum - Laptop - Dell Community

The post tells you how to go into the bios and add the boot option for your usb.
Mr Sardonicus i have followed both methods but i just cannot see an entry for my usb.

Why it is not present?

When i try uefi instalaltion is it ok to have?

secure boot: enable
legacy option disbale?
I have 3 x usb3 ports with the label SS in the side. I see no usb2 port in my 7720. Is there any?

And what the SS means?
I have a Dell Inspiron 7720

I have created an uefi bootable usn flash disk with rufus 1.4b

I'm trying to boot from it so i can create a Windows 8.1 uefi installation and the problem is that the usb flash disk wont boot.

I have secure boot enabled and
legacy option rom disabled.

Am i doing something wrong?

I found a post on the dell community forums that might help.

17R 7720 SE: Lost BIOS Access - Laptop General Hardware Forum - Laptop - Dell Community

The post tells you how to go into the bios and add the boot option for your usb.

Why si there a need to add my usb flash boot as an option?

Shouldnt it detect ti automatically as a device?
when i enable "load legecy rom" i can see it in the list, but i dont at boot time if i press F12.