Solved Wierd Graphics bug help needed!


New Member
I just bought a new computer the other day, and when I set it up, I see this weird bug that kinda reminds me of a stoopid photo sharpening filter wannabe HDR where everything light gets a dark glow and dark gets a light

What I have tried:
Changeing resolution in to everything possible.
Reinstalling all graphic drivers
Installing beta drivers
Hooking up another computer to the screen

By the way the screen is a full hd led prosonic

What do I do?

i may have found an path to the fix, if i uninstall the nvidia driver and restart, the problem is gone, untill 10sec later, it looks like it reinstalls it self, and its back to wierd. so it could be a drivers problem, but how do i fix this?
Are you talking about the Screen Door effect, or the Flash lighting? The Screen door effect is caused by you being too close with the camera to the screen. Unless you stand back far enough and point out exactly what you are seeing on the screen by circling that area. Everything looks fine from the two pictures.

Check the monitor settings if this problem is only with this particular monitor. How old is the Prosonic, along with what is the model #. Make sure you do not have any settings on the HDTV on, such as Cinematic motion, etc.. Those can cause the problems you are seeing.

Also make sure the tv is properly calibrated, not set "Out of the box".
Fake_Windows_8_Start.pngif u compare the two images ull se the difference .. i talked to nvidia and thai said its a fysical problem with the card .. thx everyone for the feedback
sorry dude, but it would be great if you just had a little bit of faith in me here, im sitting on an other computer, and everybody should be able to see this: 43063d1399715707t-wierd-graphics-bug-help-needed-image.jpgas being different to this: 43183d1399891918-wierd-graphics-bug-help-needed-fake_windows_8_start.png as theres wierd dropshadows on the first and nothing on the other, as i said the problem is here, theres no need in trolling me
and yes that is what i see!
if i uninstall the nvidia driver and restart, the problem is gone, untill 10sec later, it looks like it reinstalls it self, and its back to wierd.

I would focus on getting clearer on this, since it is your only clue so far. Check to see what driver is actually installed and if it is changing.

Also try booting in Safe Mode, or diagnose using clean boot.