Unable to load Jit Compiler: (Mscorjit.dll): file may be..


Obviously a common .Net Framework problem, usually fixed by re=installing 3.5 and 4.5 Nets. I am on a clean install of Windows 8, only been using it a few hours. To try and fix the problem I disabled both 3.5 and 4.5 using the control panel, restarted cleaned the registry with CCleaner, restarted, and then re-enabled both. I am still getting the:

"Unable to load Jit Compiler: (mscorjit.dll): file may be missing or corrupt. Please check or rerun setup."

I ran a sfc /scannow but it didn't find any errors. I'm at a loss what to do. There are a couple mscorjit.dll files within the .NET windows folder.

Any ideas? Google didn't help besides what I have already tried. Also if this belongs in the BSOD area just move it (though I don't get a BSOD error, but its the only subforum that deals with errors that I could find).