Solved Unable to access windows 7 fileshare


New Member
Hi guys,

I just finished installing windows 8 CP on my MacBook from late 2009. Previously it had windows 7 on it. The installation went smooth and all and I was able to install all my bootcamp drivers.

Currently I might be one of the only human beings on this planet who actually kinda enjoys the new metro interface but what the hell. Cutting the chase i'll just state my problem.

I am unable to access the shares on my windows 7 machine (acts as file server most of the time)

What I tested:
making sure I have connection:
- Ping hostname and ping IP both work
- A remote desktop connection can be made easily. (both on hostname and IP)
- Since I have quite heavy security on my shares normally I removed all share and NTFS security and currently have READ for all users on all folders.

I try to connect to my server trough explorer and also by using windows R so I get the "Run" box.
I tried connecting on IP and I tried to connect on hostname

\\server gives me NO maps at all and an error
\\server\drive$ again gives me nothing.

\\ip and \\ip\drive$ give me the same results.

I always gain the error:

logon failure: The user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer.

Annyone knows what I can do please?

It does not :s Else it would have been easy... I could just give my admin password from the windows 7 machine and admin user.

Now you popped that question. Might it have something to do with the fact that i have chosen to log on to windows with my Live ID? well, actually really old Hotmail ID?

I'll try to create the same account and password than the account i have on Win7. I'll report in about 10min i gues

I found out 2 things by now and i know what's wrong... I just dont know how to fix it :s

- If i use my hotmail address to sign into windows i DO NOT have a user on windows 7 which causes the system to block me off (thank god for that)

- If i create a local account with the same credentials as on windows 7 it works but i apperantely loose some (i think) usefull sync opttions between windows and my hotmail account.

- I CAN create a drivemap under the windows 8 hotmail user and log in to my win7 machine with other credentials (the admin credentials so to speak)
When you go to try and log in put the name of the computer before and then a / or \ i cant remember at the moment but where it says domain that should change to the computer name, then if you tick the box to tell it to remember it then try it.
Well, i kinda got it working now.

Had to create an extra account on my windows 7 machine. got to play around a little with rights now though -_- (damn you microsoft!!!!) But i shall mark this as solved since i know what to do now.

If others have this problem.

Create a user on your windows 7 machine.
If your user is: "" you'll have to create "Joske_vermeulen" on windows7 you'll have to give him the same password as your hotmail password so that yo u can single sign on to windows7. if you have specific (per user rights) you'll have to add those to the user joske.

After this all should work.