TechnoMage question..Fast Startup/Boot up..


New Member
Hi TechnoMage,

Recently being intrigued by your tweaks to startup, I have a couple of questions and concerns..

You mentioned Xp having having nearly identical structure to Windows 10 in terms of the Registry etc..

If this is true, that is quite scary in terms of security risks and all the hype and the whole ordeal about no more support to scare people away from older OS' versions, brings a exclamation mark to my mind if there are many nearly identical things between XP and windows 10! ha..

Secondly, I'm very curious about your "loading the kernel in the Ram" tweak, especially for someone like me that has 16 gigs of RAM..

I will try this tweak you mentioned, but I wanted to show you something as well as ask what other options does a user of lots of Ram (I assume 16 gigs of ram is a lot) have to "Load into memory" to make the system use my Ram more efficiently - especially since I see I only ever use about 6-8 gigs of Ram on Heavy, Heavy, load operation with my current Laptop..

Very intrigued by your post.

Here is what I wanted to show you:

My Laptop Shutting down and starting up Cold. You'll notice it's pretty quick, so are these tweaks even worth it for me?

Looking forward to your insight..


Your original post :
I'd like to mention a tweak that I've been using since the XP days, to speed up the boot time.
It does NOT involve changing any hardware, like the HD, or buying or downloading any software. All that's needed is already built into Windows, (every version from XP to 10)

Here's the tweak:

Shorten the Boot Time in XP, Vista & Windows 7 & 8, 8.1 & Windows 10

Go to the start button, choose run, then type msconfig and press Ok.
On the system configuration window, choose the "Boot.INI" tab.

Check “No Gui Boot”, then lower the timeout to a more manageable time.
I choose 3 seconds in stead of 30. (windows won’t accept a lower number than 3)

Next choose advanced options.
This is where you can choose how many processors you have.
Most modern PC's are duo core (2 processors) with some quad core (4 processors, and there are even some with 8 Cores or more, )
then choose OK. The Windows default is only 1 core.

Now choose apply and OK, reboot and you should see a marked decrease in boot time, and an Increase in Run-Time efficiency.

There are several tweaks, that increase performance in Windows 8.1, which I still run as my everyday OS, but also in Windows 10,
that also worked in Windows XP/SP3. For whatever reason, MS built their latest OS's on top of older OS cores, that just worked.
The registry in Windows 10 is nearly identical to the registry in XP, in so many ways. So tweaks I made to the XP registry, still work in Win-10.

With PC's today, containing so much more RAM, than PC's of just ten years ago, there is one tweak that really works great today.
In the early days of Windows, when many new computers were coming out of the factory, they were being sold with as little as 256 megs of ram. And, the Windows Kernel was left on the hard drive, where it had to be found and read, every time the OS needed to access it.
Especially, with the old and slow IDE drives, that really slowed down the speed of Windows.

But since then, with all the ram we're putting in PC's today, that same Kernel can be uploaded into RAM on bootup, so the speed and efficiency is greatly increased. I used that tweak in XP, when I could get 2GB of ram installed, and I've been using it in every OS since then, including Win-10.

Here's the Registry Tweak, to load the Windows Kernel into RAM on bootup:

Load the Kernel into RAM on boot, for faster running.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]

It's not really hard, to increase the performance of any version of Windows, but it does take a little effort.

The things I've mentioned here, I do on every OS that I have to set up, and as a working Computer Tech, I do get to set up quite a few new PC's or at least OS installs.

My personal PC, that I built last June, boots up in just a few seconds and shuts down in 5 sec's or less.

Cheers Mates!
TechnoMage :cool: