How to Use Windows Search Filters and Operators to get better Search Results in Windows 8

Searching a file, a document or a picture among thousands of others can by a difficult task. Using myself and my photos as an example, my Pictures Library alone has over 24,000 pictures and images in over 700 folders:
This as I said only the Pictures Library, not counted all those thousands and thousands of images already archived on Archive and Backup drives.
I am not a photographer, not even a keen photo snapper when on holidays or otherwise, yet I have these thousands of photos. What about you, maybe a hobby photographer with 15 years of active photo taking, all stored on a computer? Or an aspiring writer, hundreds of short stories and poems just waiting the day you will be discovered?
Have you ever noticed how difficult it can be to find that single photo of your trip to Alaska back in 2007, or that one short story you wrote in college? You know they are there, on your hard disk, but it seems impossible to find them. Or do you need to search similar files to store them together?
This tutorial will show you how to fine tune Windows 8 Search, search easier, how to combine different search filters and operators to find exactly what you are looking for.
(Click screenshots to enlarge them)
This as I said only the Pictures Library, not counted all those thousands and thousands of images already archived on Archive and Backup drives.
I am not a photographer, not even a keen photo snapper when on holidays or otherwise, yet I have these thousands of photos. What about you, maybe a hobby photographer with 15 years of active photo taking, all stored on a computer? Or an aspiring writer, hundreds of short stories and poems just waiting the day you will be discovered?
Have you ever noticed how difficult it can be to find that single photo of your trip to Alaska back in 2007, or that one short story you wrote in college? You know they are there, on your hard disk, but it seems impossible to find them. Or do you need to search similar files to store them together?
This tutorial will show you how to fine tune Windows 8 Search, search easier, how to combine different search filters and operators to find exactly what you are looking for.

If you are not familiar with Windows Search and Indexing, please check first this tutorial: Windows Search - Configure and Use - Windows 7 Support Forums
Part 1:
Search Filters
A search filter is an variable which tells Windows Search what to search. Together with a parameter it makes finding your stuff easier. Filter and parameter are separated with a colon

A typical example of a Windows Search Filter / parameter combination is kind:image. The filter kind:
tells search we are looking for a certain kind of files, parameter image tells what kind that is.
Filters can be combined. A search kind

To narrow your search even more just add filters. Search kind

To use filters you simply write them on the search field on either File Explorer (Win + E) or Modern UI File Search (Win + F).
Searching photos from 2012 on File Explorer:
(Notice that the date of files show they fit our criteria, taken on 2012.)The same search on Modern UI File Search:

The main difference between File Explorer Search and Modern UI Search is where they search.
- In File Explorer, the Windows Search searches the current selected folder or drive and all its subfolders. Examples:
- File Explorer open on Computer > Search will search in all folders on all drives
- File Explorer open on drive F: > Search will search in all folders on drive F:
- File Explorer open on D:\PDF Files > Search will search in folder D:\PDF Files and all its subfolders
- In Modern UI Search, the Windows Search searches only either your personal and public folders and libraries or Homegroup. You can toggle between Files and Homegroup searches by clicking the word Files (or Homegroup) on top left corner and selecting one or another. Examples:
- Modern UI Search for Files > Search will search in all folders under C:\Users\Your_Username (default location), C:\Users\Public (default location) and in all subfolders of these two main folders plus on all Libraries
- Modern UI Search for Homegroup > Search will search in all folders you and other Homegroup users have shared with Homegroup
You can find a list of most common parameters for filter Kind by clicking the Search tab on Ribbon and opening the Kind Drop Down menu:
Some useful filters:
- Datetaken or Taken
- kind
hoto datetaken:11/04/2013 finds all photos taken on 11th of April 2013. Notice that the date format must be the same as is used by Windows, in my case I am using the Finnish date format DD/MM/YYYY. The value of parameter Datetaken is taken from the timestamp made by your camera
- kind
- Datecreated or Created
- kind:doc datecreated:11/04/2013 finds all documents created on 11th of April 2013. The date created is the date the file was saved first time, created on the drive
- Datemodified or Modified
- kind:video datemodified:11/04/2013 finds all videos modified on 11th of April 2013. The date created and date modified can be different; modification date is the date when the file was saved last time for instance after editing
- Ext
- ext:doc filename:Memo finds all files with extension .doc where the string Memo appears anywhere in the filename
- Filename or Name
- Filename:Kari finds all files where the string Kari appears anywhere in the filename
- Author
- ext:doc author:Max finds all documents authored by Max
- Keywords
- kind:music keywords:"Blues" finds all music tagged with word Blues. Notice that keyword (tag) must be in between quotation marks
- Artist
- kind:music artist:Beatles finds all music where the artist is Beatles
Part 2:
Fine tune your Search Filters
Let's use the filter name as an example. Actually it is filename but it can also be used shortened as name. The same applies to almost all filters:
- taken or datetaken
- modified or datemodified
- created or datecreated
- and so on
- memo.txt
- Max Memo JAN-21-2012.doc
- Holiday Memories from Alaska.png
If you want to find only the files where the string memo is at the very beginning of the filename you need add a ~ (tilde) and a < (smaller than) in between the filter and the parameter.
Search name:~<memo would find:
- memo.txt
- Memo to IT dept.doc
- Max Memo JAN-21-2012.doc
- Holiday Memories from Alaska.png
Some other filter - parameter separators and their explanations:
- ~! = Does not contain
- kind:image name:~!ex-wife would find all images except those where string ex-wife appears in the filename
- < = Less than
- kind:video size:<500MB would find all videos under 500 MB file size. The < sign can be replaced with before as for example in search kind:video created:before 2012 which would find all videos created year 2011 or earlier, before 2012
- > = Greater than
- kind:document created:>2011 would find all documents created 2012 or later (after 2011). Notice that > works here as and can be replaced with after. The same search can be written as kind:document created:after 2011
Part 3:
Windows Search recognizes logical operators AND, OR and NOT.
- Example:
- kind:image name:Me AND name:Max
- Finds all images where string Me and string Max appear in the filename, in any order. Leaves out files where only one of the strings appear in the filename
- Included in results:
- MEandMAX_Xmas_2012.png
- MAXandME_June2011.jpg
- Not included in results:
- ME_Xmas_2012.png
- MAX_in_Hawaii_2012.jpg
- Example:
- kind:image name:Me AND taken:August 2011
- Finds all images taken in August 2011 where string Me appears in the filename
- Included in results:
- MEandMax.png (date taken 01-AUG-2011)
- MAXandME.jpg (date taken 16-AUG-2011)
- ME.png (date taken 31-AUG-2011)
- Example:
- OR
- Example:
- ext:doc name:ME OR name:MAX
- Finds all documents (*.doc) where string Me or string Max appear in the filename, including files where both strings appear in the filename.
- Included in results:
- Letter_from_ME_to_MAX.doc
- MAX_CV.doc
- ME_myself_and_I.doc
- Example:
- Example:
- ext
ng taken:2012 NOT taken:July 2012
- Finds all *.png images taken year 2012 except those taken on July 2012
- Included in results:
- All photos that are according to camera's date stamp taken between JAN-01-2012 and JUN-30-2012 and between AUG-01-2012 and DEC-31-2012
- Not included in results:
- Any photos taken between JUL-01-2012 and JUL-31-2012
- ext
- Example:
Part 4:
Using Wildcards
Wildcards* and ? can be used to further widen the search although they are a bit tricky to use. The asterisk (*) substitutes for zero or more characters, the question mark (?) one or zero characters.
- Search ext:d* would find all files with an extension (any length) which starts with a letter d
- Resume.doc
- System.dll
- ThisFile.dx
- Search system.filename:K*i would find any files where the name of the file starts with a K, followed by any number of characters (also 0 characters) before a letter i
- Kai.jpg
- Kari_resume.doc
- KnockOut_impossible.png
- Search system.filename:K??i would find any files where the name of the file starts with a K, followed by two or less characters before a letter i
- Kai.jpg
- Kari_resume.doc
- Kickstart.png
- Search ext:mp? would find all files with an extension of two or three characters where two first characters are m and p
- ThatSong.mp4
- MyVideo.mpg
- Search kind:image datetaken:200? would find all photos taken on any year where three first digits are 200 i.e. all photos taken from 2000 to 2009

With these tips you can make your Windows 8 Search work for you, to better find what you are looking for. Please keep posting your Search tips and tricks, I will update this tutorial always when needed
External link for more information: Advanced tips for searching in Windows

External link for more information: Advanced tips for searching in Windows
Related Tutorials
- How to Search for Apps, Settings, and Files in Windows 8
- How to Save a Search in Windows 7 and Windows 8
- How to Search for Apps in the Store in Windows 8
- How to Hide or Show Apps in Windows 8 "Search" Charm
- How to Pin or Unpin Apps in Windows 8 "Search" Charm
- How to Delete your "Search Charm" History in Windows 8
- How to Create a "Search Files" Shortcut in Windows 8
- How to Create a "Search Settings" Shortcut in Windows 8
- How to Clear and Reset your Search "Auto Suggest" History in Windows 8 File Explorer
- How to Add "Search" to Context Menu in Windows 7 and Windows 8
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