Restart Shortcut - Create in Windows 8

How to Create a "Restart" Shortcut in Windows 8 and 8.1

information   Information
This will show you how to create or download a Restart computer shortcut with or without a time delay and custom message before the Windows 8 computer is restarted.

Note   Note
A time-out period can also be for how many seconds you have to use an Abort shortcut to quickly abort the computer from restarting.

EXAMPLE: Restart Message
NOTE: This is a comparison between the default and a custom message. You will only see a restart message if you have a time delay included in the shortcut.


To Download a Instant "Restart" Shortcut

1. Click on the Download button below to download the ZIP file below.​
2. Save the .zip file to the desktop.​
3. Open the .zip file and extract (drag and drop) the Restart shortcut to the desktop.​
4. Go to step 7 in OPTION TWO below to add a custom restart icon if you like.​
5. For the first time that you run the shortcut, click/tap on the Always ask before opening this file box to uncheck, and click/tap on Open to unblock the shortcut.​
6. If you like, you can Pin to Taskbar on desktop, Pin to Start screen, add to Quick Launch, assign a keyboard shortcut to it, or move this shortcut to where you like for easy use.​
7. When done, you can delete the downloaded .zip file on the desktop if you like, or save it to use again.​


To Manually Create a Custom "Restart" Shortcut

1. Right click or press and hold on a empty area of the desktop, and click/tap on New and Shortcut.​
2. Type in the command below into the location area, and click/tap on the Next button. (see screenshot below)​
shutdown -R -F -T ## -C "Your message here"
FOR EXAMPLE: I would type this below exactly to have a 30 second time delay with a Don't forget to close everything now. message.​
shutdown -r -f -t 30 -c "Don't forget to close everything now."
Note   Note
Substitute ## in the command above with a number between 0-315360000 for how many seconds you want the time delay to be before restarting.

Note   Note

Substitute Your message here in the command above with a custom message up to 512 characters within quotes that you would like to see in the pop-up dialog when using the shutdown shortcut. The message will only be seen for however long you set the time delay set to be.​

3. Type Restart for the name, and click/tap on the Finish button. (see screenshot below)​
NOTE: You can name this anything you would like though.
4. Right click on the new Restart shortcut on the Desktop and click/tap on Properties.​
5. Click/tap on the Shortcut tab, then click/tap on the Change Icon button. (see screenshot below)​
6. Click/tap on OK. (see screenshot below)​
7. Click on the Download button below to download a custom Restart.ico file in a ZIP file, and save it to your desktop.​
A) Open the downloaded ZIP file, extract (drag and drop) the Restart.ico file to your desktop.​
B) Right click or press and hold on the Restart.ico file, and click/tap on Properties, General tab, and on the Unblock button.​
NOTE: If you do not have a Unblock button under the General tab, then the shortcut is already unblocked and you can continue on.​
C) Save the Restart.ico file to where you like to store it at on your Windows drive for use as the restart shortcut's icon.​
NOTE: The icon will need to remain saved at the same location for the icon to continue to display on the shortcut.​
8. Click/tap on Browse, navigate to and select the Restart.ico file from where you saved it in step 7 above, select it, click/tap on Open (in browse), then click/tap on OK. (see screenshot above)​
NOTE: You can use any icon that you would like instead though.​
9. Click/tap on OK. (see screenshot below step 5)​
10. If you like, you can Pin to Taskbar on desktop, Pin to Start screen, add to Quick Launch, assign a keyboard shortcut to it, or move this shortcut to where you like for easy use.​

That's it,



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