Solved Recommendation for computer brand

Just wanted to post back in case someone ran across this thread whilst googling for answers...I disabled all the Dell services from the above list. I've had it running in my office for the last 3 days without consequence. Disabled they'll stay. The machine si running great.

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Win7, Win8
All I can say is don't get Asus.
...mine is currently in the shop...tells you how good they are.

Ditto, but for Acer. Unfortunately I've had nothing but trouble with my first Acer laptop. Not even a year passed and I have had to send it in twice for power issues, and this time after two weeks it hasn't even been fixed. I'm probably going to have to send it in again. It's a pain being stuck without a computer for weeks. Considering how much I paid, it's inexcusable for a laptop to malfunction like this in the first year. Fortunately, the customer service department has been helpful, but the tech support simply didn't solve the power issue with the laptop.

I had one Dell laptop that lasted about 3 years, I had to send it once under warrantee. It was returned and fixed within 4 days. Great, but the laptop did not last very long before it defected.

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    windows 8.1
    Computer type
I had sent one of my Asus to their service center. After 4 weeks I had to 'reclaim' it. They had forgotten about it. At least they had fixed it.

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Vista and Win7
    System Manufacturer/Model
    2xHP, 2xGateway, 1xDell, 1xSony
    Hard Drives
    5 SSDs and 12 HDs