Solved Problems with dxdiag in windows 8 and theme color.


New Member
Hi, I don't know if there's another thread regarding this problem but every time I run dxdiag, It asks me to bypass Direct3D. If I don't, dxdiag crashes and if I do, there's a lot of missing information in it. Here's a screenhot. Screenshot 2.png

I also have this problem with the colors in windows 8. I don't really know how to explain it, but I have a screenshot for it.Screenshot 3.png

I'm running Windows 8 Single Language. I don't know if it's 32bit or 64 bit. It says here 64bit OS but I think it's 32bit. I'm not sure.Screenshot 4.png

I'd really appreciate if any of you can help me with this problem. Thanks.
You are running a 64 bit system

It looks like your graphics drivers are missing or corrupt

go to device manager and find your display adapter

double click it

uninstall that driver

click on top of device manager the action tab

then select scan for hardware changes

now run directx

if all ok, redownload your graphics card drivers, do not use the cd/dvd nor the already downloaded drivers. Start fresh

reboot system, now try what you couldnt do before..
Thanks, I tried uninstalling the display adapter drivers for both Intel HD and Nvidia, run directX and reinstalling the latest drivers for both display adapters but to no avail. The dxdiag still can'tdetect Direct3D and the colors on windows 8 still have problems. Is there another solution?
GOT IT! All I needed to do was to refresh my laptop. Everything works fine now. But I lost some files in my C drive. Kinda bums me, but I can always get it back. Thanks for the help bro! Much appreciated.