Printing to scale in Windows 8


New Member
Hi, I am very new to Windows 8. I'm trying to print a line drawing that is saved as a jpeg. I need to print it at 250%, but I can't seem to figure out how to do so. When I try to print it, it does not give me the printer options like previous versions of Windows did. Advanced options only allow me to choose orientation and page order. It does allow me to choose size as far as full page, 8x10, 5x7, 4x6, contact sheet, etc, but this is not what I need. I need to be able to print actual size and scale up (or down) from there. Thank you for your help!
Unfortunately that makes it print as the whole page. I'm trying to enlarge a guitar pick template to 250%. Thank you though.
Try this:

Free Online PDF Converter, Batch Convert DOC to PDF, PDF/A or Image, Doc Converter.

A picture:

Thank you, David. I followed your link, but what I got didn't look anything like the picture you posted. Maybe I'm supposed to follow another link on that page?
I'm currently on my phone and it's not showing me the thumbs up option, but as soon as I can get to my laptop I will be glad to. Thanks again!