PowerISO 6.0 Setup extract: Error writing to file


New Member
Having trouble installing PowerISO 6.0 64 bit. During installment i receive a error saying..

Extract: error writing to file sp-downloader.exe

Could anyone be as kind enough to help me out so i can install this?

Experience level: 0
I'm having the same issue as Titom921 when trying to install PowerISO. I have the 64 bit Windows. I also tried downloading the 32 bit version of PowerISO, but I still received the "Error writing to file sp-dowloader.exe" message. Any advice?
Works fine here. I don't have spdownloader.

Did you uncheck all the crapware it tries to install? You might have to hit "custom install" to uncheck them.

There are also a couple of "Decline" buttons to hit, iirc
When I first tried to install it, I selected "custom install" and declined the extra crapware. The installation was aborted halfway through when it gave the sp-dowloader.exe error message. Now, I get that error message as soon as I try to run the PowerISO6-x64.exe file