Operation retired on Windows RT.


Im having a problem on my Surface RT when it locks up and wont respond to anything. After a few minutes it will restart. A system dump is not created although it is setup to create one so not sure why one doesn't come up.

I do get a few 'disk' event in the logs:

'The IO operation at logical block address 2ccc8b8 for Disk 0 was retried.'

Looking back I have noticed a lot of these events starting in November. The computer doesn't lockup and restart every time one of these events occur but any locking up is not ideal. Id say its happened maybe 3 or 4 times since I got it in November.

Does anyone have any advice on what I can do? I have read some people have blamed certain applications for the event but obviously this been RT I don't have any third party applications installed. I have also read disabling dynamic tick by running 'bcdedit /set disabledynamictick' has fixed the issue but with this been RT I am reluctant to try that.

I don't ideally want to clean the pc and start again I have customised my surface greatly.

Thanks in advance for any help

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Thanks for the replies. As I said in the first post no dumps have been created and Im not sure why. Ive checked all the settings and increased the default page file size as that may not have been enough. I will have to wait until it happens again. I will post back then. Also the 'SF Diagnostic Tool' will not run on Windows RT so I will have to upload things individually.

As for sending it back to Microsoft Im kind of hoping this is a software problem so I wont have to send it back. But if it turns out to be hardware Ill have no choice :(.

Thanks Matt
If you can, I'd like to see:
- MSINFO32.nfo report
- systeminfo.exe report
- Eventvwr.msc - Windows Logs - Application logfile
- Eventvwr.msc - Windows Logs - System logfile
- Eventvwr.msc - Custom Views - Administrative Events (I'm unsure about how to go about getting this one as it's a collection of different logfiles)
If you're set for dumps but aren't getting them, that would indicate hardware failure on a surface (either the disk has gone bad, or something else has locked up Windows entirely). Given the way Windows is designed, only drivers could lock up underneath Windows to cause such an issue, and that sort of failure would be related to hardware (a driver IRQL request or some other odd behavior would at least cause a bugcheck, rather than a hard hang, as Windows is designed to catch those before they happen and BSOD on purpose to inform you of such behavior).

Again, given your symptoms, I would second the recommendation to utilize the warranty and have it replaced as it is very, very likely related to hardware issues at that point.
Thanks for the replies. Here are the files you requested usasma. I noticed there are a lot of errors and warnings in the Administrative event logs.:(

cluberti, its possible the pagefile was to small to save the dump.... it was set to 1930 something which I must have changed at some point but don't remember. But I will take your advice and ring Microsoft tomorrow and see what they say. Annoyingly the surface has performed perfectly today and its been in use on and off all day :mad:.

Thanks Matt
Note that Windows 8 (and RT, I believe - I'll check on it) has a feature that if you experience a number of crashes will automatically modify your crash dump settings (or the paging file, if you've not disabled it entirely) to capture data. I hope you catch something, but I'm still inclined to believe you have hardware issues after looking at these logs.
Multiple entries about failure to capture the memory dump - despite the auto-functioning in Win8.
I agree with the others after looking at the logs. Too many random seeming events seems to point at hardware issues.
Thank you for your help. I have rang Microsoft and they said they would replace it no problem after I've tried a refresh and reinstall of windows which I know won't fix this problem. They can send a new one out before I send this one back which is great as I rely on it a lot now.

Thanks again for your help.