Solved New Laptop - which display am I seeing?


New Member
Sorry to be a moron but how can I tell if I am seeing the NVIDIA GeForce 820M display or the basic Intel HD graphics display?

Any help would be much appreciated.

Welcome to the forum!

Normally on a dual-graphics laptop the desktop or metro will use the Intel graphics. You use the Nvidia Control Panel to set games and such which graphics to use. Right click on the desktop and you should see a menu item for Nvidia Control Panel.

Get a utility like GPU-Z, it will show you which GPU is currently active.
Thank you for the help popeye.

I used the GPU-Z program which showed the default to be the Intel graphics at that moment. I switched to the GPU.
I also now see that right clicking on a programme offers the chance to run it with the GPU.
What is there in the NVIDIA control panel that determines when the GPU will be used? I can't see anything obvious.


Ah! I see.

Surprisingly few programmes on the laptop provide a choice of GPU or integrated graphics card.

Thanks for your help.

I always liked Popeye cartoons - "I'm the roughest, toughest pirate in the world" if I remember correctly.

You're welcome! The popeye is a play on words as I lost an eye 20+ years ago. I'll keep one out for you. :)

But yea, I loved the cartoon as a kid too.

Btw you can manually point to any exe file with the Add button and select which GPU you want to use.