Solved Missing Internet Explorer Tile


My Internet Explorer Tile has stopped working and is now missing.

I did not install any other Internet Browsers.

I did try to add a second Internet Explorer tile that opens the regular Internet Explorer. That didn't work and now the normal tile is gone.

When in the Start Screen, typing "Internet" BRINGS UP NOTHING. So that method of bringing it back does not work.
Thank you, it's back.

Is there any way to open Internet Explorer on the Desktop directly from the Start Screen?

That is a good tip. I have set it to always open the Desktop version of IE10. Is there any reason to ever use the Metro version on an old fashioned desktop? Maybe there is something I am not aware of but I do not see any reason.

Similarly, can I use the Metro Mail app. Is there a way to summon that app or other Metro apps directly from the Desktop?