Maintain Stuff as Migrate from Windows 7 to 8.1


Maintain Stuff as Migrate from Windows 7 to 8.1

So, when I moved from XP to Win 7 (late compared to most), I hear and read about Easy Transfer etc. It seemed mysterious and kind of cumbersome.

I figured the best was to figure out the FILE, FOLDER and PATHs for IMPORTANT things I wanted to CONSERVE.

If possible migrate PROGRAMS as THEY ARE.

XP32 > Win7x64 Migrate Settings Data: Chrome+Extn, Outlook+iTunes+App? - Windows 7 Help Forums
Now from XP > 7, a lot of paths changed.. Documents & Settings vs Users info, Local and other date..
Pretty much for every Program / Application.

Outlook was one drama, iTunes was other, Office another, WLMail another and so on.

Now, I am guessing there are some TOOLS or Simple Win 8.1 Upgrade that can be run on Win 7x64 Ultimate..
and there is..
.. Manual CURATING FILES, FOLDERS and PATHS and CONFIGURATIONS for Windows and Non-Windows thingies. (I did that XP .. > 7.. mapping big time.. and it was great.. but tiring to prepare the list and instructions)

Instead of exhibiting your BIAS to one of the above, can you please share info for both.. Windows in built easy simple mechanismss..
Exhaustive MAPPING LIST.. that allows me to ensure BY HAND, everything was taken bit for bit.
I've used RichCopy, RoboCopy and TeraCopy in CONJUNCTION.. extensively before. Its just painful and takes a lot of time, energy and attention to detail.
"easy transfer" resets folder modified date - Windows 7 Help Forums

XP32 > Win7x64 Migrate Settings Data: Chrome+Extn, Outlook+iTunes+App? - Windows 7 Help Forums
Welcome to Windows Eight Forums, xbliss.

I had the same apprehension migrating from 7 to 8, although I was dual booting with 8RP for awhile. I simply manually transferred everything I wanted to carry over from one partition to the other via copy/paste to appropriate places in 8RP. It was rather easy for me for I only use IE, so Favorites was easy. Contacts, email, and calendar were in and backed up on my MS Live account, so no problem with that. Docs, pics, videos, music, and the likes was easy. I upgraded from Office 2000 to 2013, so no problem there, for I abandoned Outlook and now use the native Modern/Metro Windows 8 Store app with a Live account.

I see you use more 3rd party programs and an iPhone, so yours is more cumbersome, but the good ol' copy and paste is the best method IMO. Fresh install rather than upgrade is best also.

A thing to keep in mind that during installation of 8.x it will create a .old file in case you missed something. I'll have to research as to exactly what it saves there. Just not sure about 3rd party files.

Keep in mind that I'm a MS/Windows purist having a MS account and using it to sign into my tower PC and Nokia Lumia 1520. I have few 3rd party apps using as much of MS products as possible. I find it much easier that way.

Upgrading from 8RP to 8 was all carried over via installation and MS services.

Running upgrade assistant as mentioned should reveal good info.

Hope that helps. Just my opinion of course. Good luck in your endeavor and, again, welcome.


Retrieve files from the Windows.old folder - Windows Help
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Upgrade to Windows 8.1 from Windows 7 - an upgrade assistant should tell you, if all apps are compatible.
Would not it be simpler just install it fresh all together instead of spending more time preparing and fixing it?
Except for a few Programs (3-4, which I can remove/ get newer version) most are compatible. So, you think an Upgrade might be easy and seamless with no loss of STUFF? i.e. Settings, Files, Programs.. Not having to reinstall or activate etc,

Also, as I said I have done the COPY PASTE manually before. BUT, it involved KNOWING PATHS and how PATHS and FILES & LOCATIONS had changed between XP and 7.
It was exhaustive but I still have that LIST of MAPPINGS with me.

Has there been a major change of PATHS and FILE / FOLDER locations as compared between 7 and 8?
IF YES, Is there some list or guide which will point that out.
IF NO, then I can COPY stuff (to SAME PATH) and not have to find out a tiring list of mappings.

Not putting you down whatsoever, but I must say that this method is highly unusual. Not saying it's impossible, but as you stated it's cumbersome. But, hey, I'm always willing to learn something new.

You ran the Upgrade Assistant? That's why you mentioned 3 or 4 programs? If so, what are they?

My thoughts on it:

Windows Explorer is now called File Explorer in 8/8.1. It now has a ribbon for navigation. Folder structure, as in one OS to another and as you know, has changed, therefore installation of apps/programs file and folder placement changes, although the Programs folder remains. The most complicated would be for Users/Accounts (account name and type), different Library structure, local or roaming, synching if MS account, new items added, and the likes. The list is long.

If you choose to go this route, the only thing I can think of at this point is to either dual boot as I did and compare across partitions, have 7 on another machine to compare to (which might not work, for OSs load a little differently on different machines), or take snips of Windows Explorer in 7 with all the folders expanded to compare all the new with the old. With the latter you may need files or folders to add, therefore you would need copies of those.

Never had XP, for I went from 98SE to Vista, but after looking at my 8.1 File Explorer, writing this, and thinking on it > As a whole, I’ll bet 8.x is rather much more different from 7 than XP to 7 so far as structure is concerned.

Bottom line if it were me > Synch all devices, mirror your drive as you like it to fall back on just in case, backup all of the files and folders that are important that you can think of, fresh install 8.1, install programs (updated versions), and bite the bullet on everything else. You won’t get it 100%. Close, but not 100%.
I can remove/ find newer versions of those programs. No issues. Not critical.

Is there a way to MAINTAIN the rest of programs and settings without having to reinstall them all? IF show how do I ensure the Win 8/ 8.1 installer goes that instead of a fresh install.
No method that I know of. Perhaps other members here may know of some.

Can't speak for others, but I would say a majority of active prominent members here prefer fresh installs over upgrades. If we buy a system or device with 8.x already installed we strip out all of the bloatware refining it.