Is Visual Studio 2010 Express compatible with Windows 8?


New Member
Hello again.

Quite a long time ago, on my old Windows Vista, I used Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 to create applications just for fun. I really liked it and would like to use it again, however I would like to use Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. The reason I would rather use VS2010 is because earlier today (11/01/2015) I installed VS2012 and I didn't like the look and feel to it at all, and VS2013 has a similar look to it and I don't like the layout, and I prefer the layout of 2008/10.

I have 2 main questions about this version of VS (2010 not 2008 because that's practically life expired).
The first question I would like to ask: Is VS2010 compatible with Win8? Preferably VS2010 Express as that's the only version of VS2010 that's available and I saw on Microsoft Compatibility Center which said that it is compatible, but 2 of 3 people said it was, but with Visual Basic (which I don't generally want as I would like more features than just VB) had 9 of 10 people saying it's compatible.

My second question is: Does Visual Studio 2010 Express have enough features for what I would like to do? Here's a brief idea of what I would like to do in VS2010. I would like to create a program which deals with things which involve using databases (such as POS systems) and I would like to setup a program which includes Windows Forms to complete tasks. I saw a video of what I would like to do which I'll post below and that should give a general idea. I'll only post the Part 1 of that series as there are much more videos available on the channel of the person who made the videos if you'd like more of a basic idea of what I would like to accomplish

I really do hope someone could be of some help, preferably with the first question as I would like to use VS2010, but if possible with the second question as well. If the second question can't be answered then I'll just find out myself if I receive a positive response from the first.
As always I will be very grateful for the support and hope to make programs in the future.

VS2010 Download Site - Download Overview
Series which gave me the general idea for what I would like to accomplish -
Thanks Berton for the tip. I checked on the site and saw that VS2010 does have some compatibility issues with win8 for some people but works fine for others. I have seen some things regarding VS2010 working in win8 but the thing I need to do is to figure outwether or not people are just giving out false staements or if they really can/cannot use the program. I guess I'll have to primarily figure out if it works for myself as people have said that they've had problems using it but others said it works flawlessly. I'll probably think of installing it soon to find out I guess. Thanks for the help :D
I only just remembered actually that I have VirtualBox and a Win7 ISO, so I'm going to try it on that first before I put it on my Win8 just to make sure that I can do what I want to do on VS2010. Can't believe I forgot about VBox xD