Internet Explorer 5 in Windows 8.1???


New Member
So I'm trying to clear out the computer of useless applications that I do Not use.

I'm using this program called "MyUninstaller", and found a lot of stuff that I don't know about.
I found an entry called: IE5BAKEX with no uninstaller or anything. It was found in the registry. I look this up online and it's Internet Explorer 5. Why do I always end up with so much crap that I never installed on the computer?
Thanks for the suggestion; I already have that installed, I did a run and cleaned temporary files and all. But that still shows up in the MyUninstaller program. I don't remember ever installing anything having to do with that old version of IE. How can I find out how it showed up on here?
I've already did a registry clean using CCleaner, cleaned out a bunch of stuff, computer works great and all, yet that still shows up. You see, I really do suspect that there's something going on. I've been blackmailed before to where someone does very small modifications on the computer on intentions to put me into a state of distress:
• Whenever I download files (like music and stuff), I tend to notice very minor changes in the files over time. You see, those files are supposed to stay in a stationary position (unchanged in any way possible), unless 'I' do something to change them. I want to avoid those minor changes from happening. Is there any program that can look for loopholes in Windows' settings that may allow hackers to connect through?

That particular entry is MS Windows part, everybody has it. Windows and other OSs are full of holes, known ( they tend to be plugged up at some time thru updates) and unknown. AVs try to lower the risk and antimalware programs try to heal after but ultimate responsibility is up to you. You just have to be careful not to fall into traps or live completely isolated, just like anything else in life.
What do you mean by that last sentence? Live completely isolated? lol?
Well, no internet for fear of malware, no programs disks and anything else connected, staying in a sterile room for fear of illness, staying on same side of street for fear of getting run over.... that stuff.
Well I understand what you mean by all that malware stuff. Yes, since I live in a world with everyone else, not just by myself, then there will be malware and all. But what type of malware is it when someone else intends to put others in a state of distress. So here's one example from the issue: They don't steal personal information/passwords or whatever. All they do is modify files on the computer, in very slight variations. You see, here's the odd thing about it, they do very minor changes and actually spend time in doing this stuff. Who's doing this and why?
Think what Count Mike means is you just need to be cautious, especially on Internet. You say you download Music and stuff, downloading opens the door for infection, just be careful on what and where you are downloading stuff from.

Have a good Anti-Virus and Firewall installed? Even though these are not always fool proof, sometimes using second scanner like Malwarebytes Anti-Malware also. Possible you do have some kind of infection changing your files.

Do you use any kind of remote software, are you allowing remote access to your PC for any reason ? Most of time these are security risks.
Well I understand what you mean by all that malware stuff. Yes, since I live in a world with everyone else, not just by myself, then there will be malware and all. But what type of malware is it when someone else intends to put others in a state of distress. So here's one example from the issue: They don't steal personal information/passwords or whatever. All they do is modify files on the computer, in very slight variations. You see, here's the odd thing about it, they do very minor changes and actually spend time in doing this stuff. Who's doing this and why?
All kinds of coo-coos in this world and some are doing it for money, some are just mean, some just curious. If I was to subscribe to some conspiracy theories, I wouldn't put it past antivirus companies to try to "enhance" their market. All together not much different than other walks of life. Why are there bullies, thieves, murderers etc.?
jds63: I'm very sure of the things I download are virus free and clean. I have Windows Defender and I see it as a great anti-virus, unless it's been modified not to catch the hackers. Also, just the Windows firewall. But I have noticed some weird entries in there every now and then. I delete them since I did not add them. They look a little complex and really weird, like something to do with Google Chrome and a bunch of weird stuff with it. I delete it, and Chrome still works the way it's supposed to. I do run third-party cleaners every now and then, but nothing completely odd.

CountMike: I find it really odd that they would spend time just to do stuff like that; it doesn't make sense to me. Assuming I was a coo-coo hacker, why would I find some random person, spend a lot of time adding random small sound effects in a collection of like 5000 songs just for fun??? I dunno who the person is and what would be my point in doing all this.

***Let's actually look at a concrete example! There's this program called eMule that's installed on the computer. The icon on the desktop for the program is a little mule (the animal). But this one day, the icon was modified: Both his ears completely disappeared; he had no ears. Like wtf is the point of doing that? But then within a few hours, his ears came back! Notice how weird and odd that is? The whole point of my question is who would actually do intentions like this to random people (me) and expect things out of it? Wouldn't they realize that this would do nothing but make me a not very nice person aswell by causing bad behavior and giving people a hard time too? Is that the message this whole thing? I don't understand why God doesn't get rid of these people. Whatever happened to natural selection? God sure disappoints me sometimes by not doing the things that should be necessary. What's the hold up already?
I'm old enough and went thru a lot in life and not much can leave me wandering why. Lived on two continents and half a dozen countries, survived wars but those hackers "whys"still elude me. I keep couple of clean full backups and and reasonable protections against malware, so bring it on bad hackers, let the world end if it must.
Let's put this discussion to rest folks. The content.ie5 folder exists in all Windows OS's and is the place that IE (any version) stores its temporary files. There's nothing suspicious or evil or machiavellian about it. It exists, leave it alone.
I do not think you can ever be so very sure were you download something is clean and free from anything. As you are stating something or someone is messing with you. As also stated so many prey on computer users to steal information and sometimes just do things for fun,why?, cause they are able to that is what makes them like it and do it, for kicks maybe.

If you think this is true, you need more then your ordinary Malware and Anti-Virus programs to help you. Best a forum that deals with more tools to check your system if you are or think you are truly infected. One place i know is good to try Geeks to Go!

Deleting files eventually is going to corrupt Windows or some other program. Believe Ex_Brit is correct on that file, leave it alone.
I also asked if you were using any Remote access software as this can make others able to possibly get access into the PC.

Also, be carefull with freeware like My Uninstaller. I googled it and could not find much info. May be safe, but RevoUninstaller and Iobit Uninstaller are better known/trusted products.
Thanks for the replies everyone.
Sorry about not answering that one question earlier, I read it, but forgot about it: No, I do not have Remote Access enabled on here. One fact as well: I upgraded from Windows XP to Windows 8.1 and noticed everything good with 8.1 until these people decided to somehow get into this operating system. You see, they are targeting me to intentionally put me into a state of distress. Distress causes me to get high and practice bad behavior. I am assuming they want me doing stuff like that? What the hell is this crap?
Torre: i make sure to download programs from their original location, not some third-party site: NirSoft MyUninstaller (www It's a trusted site with many tools.
Thanks jds, I'll check that out soon.
Ex_Brit: okay I understand what you're saying. But with all the crap that goes on, I am up to the extreme of strictness of whatever I see as unusual on the computer.

But everyone can understand the concrete example I stated earlier. There is no possible computer error that can cause only the ears on that mule to disappear for a few hours then come back; that is Obviously some sort of intention for me to observe and to be put into a state of distress trying to analyze why this happened.
Pepanee, the guys at that site are good, make you feel better, if just make them check over your PC to make sure nothing is there, will relieve your stress. Nobody is doubting you do not have something, just trying to help you anyway we can. Mules ears could be just a glitch with icon or video issues hard to say if that is a virus, but site i linked is free to join. Your welcome
Thank you for your help jds. When I have the time, I'll check them out. I gotta finish up a few things right now, but when I'm more free, I'll check them out. Thanks a bunch again.