Intermittent BSOD with Persistent error while tunin OS off


New Member
São Paulo - SP
Hey guys! First of all, sorry for the bad english, not my native language, but I'll try to make myself understood.

So, I bought a new HDD for my laptop, since my last one got bad and one day after installing it I noticed an annoying issue. Everytime I turn off my system the normal way, the next time I turn it on, it boots twice before Windows logon display and, in the worst, a BSOD shows this message: "SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED" related with "iaStorA.sys"

I've already tried checking any problem with components of my laptop with Dell software and after hours of tests it doesn't found anything wrong, so I hope this is something with software and not a compatibility problem of the new HDD with my laptop at all.

The errors I've found on Event Viewer of Windows related (I suppose) with those problems above are these:

  • Failed Quick Windows startup with a status of 0xc0000001 error
  • The computer was restarted after an error check. The bugcheck was: 0x000000d1 (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000, 0xfffff80024e6b9df). A dump was saved in: C: \ WINDOWS \ MEMORY.DMP. Report Id: 062314-20906-01.
  • The computer was restarted after an error check. The bugcheck was: 0x0000007e (0xffffffffc0000005, 0xfffff80005b507b7, 0xffffd000edf546d8, 0xffffd000edf53ee0). A dump was saved in: C: \ WINDOWS \ MEMORY.DMP. Report Id: 070414-14734-01.
  • The system has rebooted without proper shutdown first. This error can be caused when the system stops responding, crashes or loses power unexpectedly.
I also tried to create a mini dump file, following the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Posting Instructions, but I don't know if it will work, since I've followed the steps before the errors show up again, but I'll attach it anyway.

Well, thats it, hope you can help me! And thanks already!
Hi Ledoow & Welcome to the forums ^_^,

Are you sure that we would be having problems with your fantastic English?:shock:
Anyways, I have analyzed your Dump files and a summary of them has been given for informative purposes :-
**************************Fri Jul  4 09:02:46.315 2014 (UTC + 5:30)**************************
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for iaStorA.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for iaStorA.sys
Probably caused by : iaStorA.sys ( iaStorA+5e7b7 )
BugCheck 1000007E, {ffffffffc0000005, fffff8006c8827b7, ffffd00020d6f6d8, ffffd00020d6eee0}
BugCheck Info: [url=]SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED_M (1000007e)[/url]
MaxSpeed:     2100
CurrentSpeed: 2095
  BIOS Version                  A11
  BIOS Release Date             02/20/2014
  Manufacturer                  Dell Inc.
  Product Name                  Inspiron 7520
**************************Fri Jul  4 08:39:36.940 2014 (UTC + 5:30)**************************
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for iaStorA.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for iaStorA.sys
Probably caused by : iaStorA.sys ( iaStorA+5e7b7 )
BugCheck 1000007E, {ffffffffc0000005, fffff80005b507b7, ffffd000edf546d8, ffffd000edf53ee0}
BugCheck Info: [url=]SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED_M (1000007e)[/url]
MaxSpeed:     2100
CurrentSpeed: 2095
  BIOS Version                  A11
  BIOS Release Date             02/20/2014
  Manufacturer                  Dell Inc.
  Product Name                  Inspiron 7520
**************************Wed Jul  2 03:13:29.052 2014 (UTC + 5:30)**************************
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for iaStorA.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for iaStorA.sys
Probably caused by : iaStorA.sys ( iaStorA+5e7b7 )
BugCheck 1000007E, {ffffffffc0000005, fffff80119b317b7, ffffd0002090d6d8, ffffd0002090cee0}
BugCheck Info: [url=]SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED_M (1000007e)[/url]
**************************Mon Jun 30 03:44:36.747 2014 (UTC + 5:30)**************************
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for iaStorA.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for iaStorA.sys
Probably caused by : iaStorA.sys ( iaStorA+5e7b7 )
BugCheck 1000007E, {ffffffffc0000005, fffff801b12b87b7, ffffd00174df76d8, ffffd00174df6ee0}
BugCheck Info: [url=]SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED_M (1000007e)[/url]
MaxSpeed:     2100
CurrentSpeed: 2095
  BIOS Version                  A11
  BIOS Release Date             02/20/2014
  Manufacturer                  Dell Inc.
  Product Name                  Inspiron 7520
**************************Sun Jun 29 10:55:24.962 2014 (UTC + 5:30)**************************
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for iaStorA.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for iaStorA.sys
Probably caused by : iaStorA.sys ( iaStorA+5e7b7 )
BugCheck 1000007E, {ffffffffc0000005, fffff8007cefb7b7, ffffd00082f086d8, ffffd00082f07ee0}
BugCheck Info: [url=]SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED_M (1000007e)[/url]
MaxSpeed:     2100
CurrentSpeed: 2095
  BIOS Version                  A11
  BIOS Release Date             02/20/2014
  Manufacturer                  Dell Inc.
  Product Name                  Inspiron 7520

Furthermore, below is a list of 3rd party drivers which I found on your system and must be updated.
**************************Fri Jul  4 09:02:46.315 2014 (UTC + 5:30)**************************
[U][B]timntr.sys                  Thu Jul 29 22:59:24 2010 (4C51BA74)[/B][/U]
[B][U]snapman.sys                 Wed Mar  9 18:52:38 2011 (4D777F1E)[/U][/B]
WDKMD.sys                   Thu Mar 10 05:13:12 2011 (4D781090)
[U][B]vididr.sys                  Tue Apr 12 17:01:24 2011 (4DA4380C)[/B][/U]
[B][U]vsflt53.sys                 Tue Apr 12 17:01:35 2011 (4DA43817)
[/U][/B]pcdsrvc_x64.pkms            Tue May 10 05:50:44 2011 (4DC884DC)
CLVirtualDrive.sys          Mon Dec 26 18:56:47 2011 (4EF87617)
TurboB.sys                  Thu May 31 01:40:44 2012 (4FC67EC4)
CHDRT64.sys                 Wed Jun  6 01:24:15 2012 (4FCE63E7)
rikvm_38F51D56.sys          Thu Jun  7 10:01:48 2012 (4FD02EB4)
RtsUVStor.sys               Fri Jun 15 11:13:06 2012 (4FDACB6A)
IntcDAud.sys                Tue Jun 19 20:10:51 2012 (4FE08F73)
HECIx64.sys                 Tue Jul  3 03:44:58 2012 (4FF21D62)
ETD.sys                     Wed Jul  4 09:24:29 2012 (4FF3BE75)
[B][U]irstrtdv.sys                Fri Jul 13 05:28:02 2012 (4FFF648A)
[/U][/B]athw8x.sys                  Thu Jan 17 14:45:39 2013 (50F7C13B)
Rt630x64.sys                Fri May 10 15:29:08 2013 (518CC4EC)
intelppm.sys                Thu Aug 22 14:16:35 2013 (5215CFEB)
iaStorA.sys                 Tue Oct 29 02:45:26 2013 (526ED3EE)
dump_iaStorA.sys            Tue Oct 29 02:45:26 2013 (526ED3EE)
point64.sys                 Thu Dec 12 18:46:17 2013 (52A9B721)
dc3d.sys                    Thu Dec 12 18:46:35 2013 (52A9B733)
amdkmpfd.sys                Fri Dec 13 11:03:34 2013 (52AA9C2E)
btcusb.sys                  Wed Feb 19 12:08:05 2014 (5304514D)
iwdbus.sys                  Fri Mar 14 03:29:14 2014 (53222A32)
mfencbdc.sys                Tue Mar 18 19:34:48 2014 (53285280)
mfehidk.sys                 Sat Mar 22 02:23:03 2014 (532CA6AF)
mfewfpk.sys                 Sat Mar 22 02:23:16 2014 (532CA6BC)
mfeapfk.sys                 Sat Mar 22 02:23:41 2014 (532CA6D5)
mfeavfk.sys                 Sat Mar 22 02:23:56 2014 (532CA6E4)
mfefirek.sys                Sat Mar 22 02:25:15 2014 (532CA733)
cfwids.sys                  Sat Mar 22 02:25:40 2014 (532CA74C)
atikmpag.sys                Wed Apr 23 13:40:03 2014 (5357755B)
atikmdag.sys                Wed Apr 23 14:36:07 2014 (5357827F)
igdkmd64.sys                Tue Jun 10 09:14:25 2014 (53967F19)
**************************Wed Jul  2 03:13:29.052 2014 (UTC + 5:30)**************************
atikmpag.sys                Fri Apr 18 06:37:07 2014 (53507ABB)
atikmdag.sys                Fri Apr 18 07:43:16 2014 (53508A3C)
**************************Mon Jun 30 03:44:36.747 2014 (UTC + 5:30)**************************
HWiNFO64A.SYS               Fri Nov 22 21:15:10 2013 (528F7C06)

I see that you mentioned that there was an error log that Windows failed to do a quick startup. Could you please turn off Fast Startup by following this guide and checking if the Blue Screens still occur or not?

Furthermore, could you please remove your Acronis Software & PC Doctor? Furthermore, please update your Intel Rapid Storage drivers. I have highlighted drivers above so please deal with them ASAP before updating the rest.
If your problem is still not solved, I would be glad to help you out further ^_^.
Hey blueelvis! Thanks for your answer, compliments about my english and rep, nice to know I've started using it the right way :D

Anyway, I tried to download the highlighted drivers first, but only irstrtdv.sys was downloadable, the other ones were Acronis drivers and since you asked me to remove them, I tried to find any Acronis Software or PC Doctor installed and didn't find anything :confused: is this possible?

I've disabled fast startup and all those errors disappeared from Windows Event Viewer, as well as BSOD, but I hope to enable it again after updating the drivers to see what happens.

Thanks again for your help!
Hey blueelvis! Thanks for your answer, compliments about my english and rep, nice to know I've started using it the right way :D

Anyway, I tried to download the highlighted drivers first, but only irstrtdv.sys was downloadable, the other ones were Acronis drivers and since you asked me to remove them, I tried to find any Acronis Software or PC Doctor installed and didn't find anything :confused: is this possible?

I've disabled fast startup and all those errors disappeared from Windows Event Viewer, as well as BSOD, but I hope to enable it again after updating the drivers to see what happens.

Thanks again for your help!

Hi there!

The rep was given for a really well detailed post for a newcomer ^_^.

Are you saying that you could not find the Acronis or the PC-Doctor installed on your PC? Btw, did you notice that there is a long boot up time after disabling the Fast Startup? If not then I would say that keep it off as I have seen that thing causing problems on many systems.

Try updating the Rapid Storage drivers and post back here the results ^_^.
Are you saying that you could not find the Acronis or the PC-Doctor installed on your PC?

I've discovered PC Doctor is related to Dell's PC Checkup, do you recommend to uninstall it anyway? I just found Acronis on Device Manager, what can happen if I simply uninstall Acronis drivers from there? :zip:

Btw, did you notice that there is a long boot up time after disabling the Fast Startup? If not then I would say that keep it off as I have seen that thing causing problems on many systems.

I didn't noticed any difference in boot up time, but logon display seemed a bit weird and bugged mostly :confused:

Try updating the Rapid Storage drivers and post back here the results ^_^.

I just made a little report of every driver link you gave me, but to keep this post easy to read, I'll attach a doc with it ok? I'm attaching a new mini dump file created after I tried to update drivers and boot up system with fast start up again (and failing again, but without BSOD, just booted twice and the errors appeared again on event viewer :/)

Thanks for your help again man! :D
That's a really informative post @_@.

Anyways for the drivers mentioned in the Word file :-

1. CHDRT64.sys , rtsuvstor.sys , Intel Rapid Storage etc check Dell's support page for your laptop model if they have updated versions of the drivers.
2. btcusb.sys :- The site is not in Japanese o.O. Here it is :- BlueSoleil Windows

Seems like the carrona driver link is broken. I will notify him for the change.

Uninstall the Acronis software from the Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel and not from Device Manager :P
Also, I did not see any trace of AMD Catalyst Control Center, is that also present on your system since you mentioned it? o.O

Make sure that your SSD firmware is up to date with the latest firmware. Also, what do you mean by WIERD logon screen on disabling Fast Startup?
That's a really informative post @_@.

You're already helping me, it's my duty to give the more info as possible ;)

1. CHDRT64.sys , rtsuvstor.sys , Intel Rapid Storage etc check Dell's support page for your laptop model if they have updated versions of the drivers.

Ok, I've installed these ones you mentioned above, except for Intel Rapid Storage, that I already updated previously. Dell's drivers website seems to be poorly maintaned, at least here in Brazil :(

2. btcusb.sys :- The site is not in Japanese o.O. Here it is :- BlueSoleil Windows

Seems like the carrona driver link is broken. I will notify him for the change.

Yeah, carrona took me to a broken link I suppose. Anyway, I've tried to sign up to this site and they ask things I don't have, like Company, Company Website, Volume Estimation etc. And even writing anything in these gaps I couldn't proceed to login and search for updated drivers :cry:

Uninstall the Acronis software from the Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel and not from Device Manager :P
Also, I did not see any trace of AMD Catalyst Control Center, is that also present on your system since you mentioned it? o.O

Since it's probably "hidden" powering another software (like PC Doctor to Dell's PC Checkup), I can't find it in the Add/Remove Programs :( but I'm thinking it might be related with CyberLink, which is an useful program to me

Yes I do, as you can see here

View attachment 46591

Make sure that your SSD firmware is up to date with the latest firmware.

As you recommended, I searched for new firmwares to my new HDD and Samsung's 32gb SSD, but didn't find anything for both, but as I was searching them, I ran a test with Seagate Tools for Windows and BAM!, my new HDD failed on Short DST test :shock: did you know if this may be the cause of all this mess?

I'm really disappointed, but as soon as I discovered this, I did others tests like Error Scan with HD Tune Pro, generic tests with Seagate Tools and everything got approved but Short DST ><" Seagate software recommended me to burn to disc their Seagate DOS for Windows and Run the test booting up system by CD-ROM and, surprinsingly in this enviroment Short DST passed! I'm totally disturbed with this.

Also, what do you mean by WIERD logon screen on disabling Fast Startup?

Yeah, the cover image didn't show up everytime I turn on and wifi icon for example appears duplicated on left under corner. Then I press enter to the "messed" cover rise and the duplicated icon disappears, but anything more changes :huh: and when I press Enter again or anything like the first letter of my password, the gap to put password finally appears.

Sorry for the long post man, I've tried to be succint :X
Hi Ledoow,

Please provide me with the latest dump files. Don't worry, I really love long posts ^_^. Also, extremely nice wallpaper, could you PM me the link :P

Now, on to the detailed post you have written. Try using the Dell's US site as I am aware of the fact that your English is very good and you should not have problems navigating around the site ^_^.

I would need the latest dumps to see if the Intel Rapid Storage is still causing the BSOD's or not. On to the DST test, this is what I have found :-

  • If a DST Short Test fails on your computer, and you receive an error message or log entry that reflects the failure, this is likely caused by a failing hard drive. However, certain software will also cause the DST Short Test to fail. McAfee and other anti-virus programs may cause the DST Short Test Failure error to generate. Other corrupted applications may also throw the error. Re-install the anti-virus program, or return your computer to an earlier point in time with System Restore.

Is your Windows Operating system, installed over this HDD?

Try running the test again and follow this guide :-
How to use SeaTools for Windows

But, before you proceed, please uninstall the AMD ATI Drivers and reinstall the latest and install only the Display Drivers and untick all the other options like Catalyst Control Centre etc.

Keep me updated on this ^_^.
Please provide me with the latest dump files. Don't worry, I really love long posts ^_^. Also, extremely nice wallpaper, could you PM me the link :P

Sure, I attached right now. The wallpaper I'll send you!

Now, on to the detailed post you have written. Try using the Dell's US site as I am aware of the fact that your English is very good and you should not have problems navigating around the site ^_^.

I would need the latest dumps to see if the Intel Rapid Storage is still causing the BSOD's or not.

I used the Analysing System at Dell's US site, but it provided the same result of brazilian website, so... :(

On to the DST test, this is what I have found :-

  • If a DST Short Test fails on your computer, and you receive an error message or log entry that reflects the failure, this is likely caused by a failing hard drive. However, certain software will also cause the DST Short Test to fail. McAfee and other anti-virus programs may cause the DST Short Test Failure error to generate. Other corrupted applications may also throw the error. Re-install the anti-virus program, or return your computer to an earlier point in time with System Restore.
I'm gonna try to restore system just to know if this could work, but I'm really decided to downgrade to Windows 7 and get rid of Dell's Windows 8.1, to see what happens :cry: I have the factory image anyway if downgrading to Windows 7 don't work

Is your Windows Operating system, installed over this HDD?

Yes it is, it shouldn't? :rolleyes:

I'm very grateful for your help man and if downgrading to a "friendly" OS (for me) didn't work, I'll try again to use Windows 8 :cry:
All of your dump files are blaming the Intel Rapid Storage driver and since it is not solving even on the Updation of the driver, it needs to be removed. I just wanted to make sure that nothing other is at fault. Please follow this guide of Patrick (Thanks!) on how to remove the Intel Rapid Storage the proper way :-

Uninstalling the Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology driver - Microsoft Community

Please follow this carefully, and do keep me posted on the updates ^_^.

EDIT :- Also, could you open the SF Zip file and open the Event Viewer Log For your system and check whether if there are any signs of a failing Hard Disk as it seems the log is in a different language which I can understand :(
All of your dump files are blaming the Intel Rapid Storage driver and since it is not solving even on the Updation of the driver, it needs to be removed. I just wanted to make sure that nothing other is at fault. Please follow this guide of Patrick (Thanks!) on how to remove the Intel Rapid Storage the proper way :-

Uninstalling the Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology driver - Microsoft Community

Please follow this carefully, and do keep me posted on the updates ^_^.

Hey man! Sorry for take too long to update my thread! I uninstalled Dell's crap Backup Image as I said I would and installed Windows 8.1 Pro and guess what? The problem gone! I'm not sure how "Dell's" Windows 8.1 can cause this issue, but I'm really convinced this problem appeared because my HDD changing that weren't exactly the same one that came with my laptop from factory.

I'm going to search now for reasons of Short DST failing (it's still occcurs :() on Seagate Tools for Windows test, but I'm not too worried about this since my HDD passes in all other tests including Short DST, but just when its done on Seagate Tools for DOS.

I'm very greatful for your help and efforts to make me solve this problem man! o/