installed extra ram, won't boot


New Member
Power User
MOBO: Asus H61M-E
(this is actually on a windows 7, 32 bit machine)
The computer (desktop, built by store) came with a stick of transcend 2gb ram dmm3
Everything worked fine.
When I installed another stick (same kind), I had problems. At first, it showed up on CPU-Z, but not in windows task manager.
Then I noticed that I didn't push it into the slot all the way. I turned the computer off, and pushed it in good until it clicked and the clips closed on it.
then, no boot.
I took it out, everything fine again.
I tried switching slots between the original stick and the new stick, no boot.
I checked the board and only 2 slots, so ok.

Try this. In CPU-Z, make a screenshot of Memory tab and SPD tab with only original module in.

Put other module in and take out original. Make those 2 screenshots again.

Then attach all 4.
please explain.
I see two slots there, one that has the original ram, and an empty one, just like it, right next to it. I stuck the new stick into the empty slot. what's wrong here?
What he's asking you to do is take 2 screenshots with just the original stick in..

Switch the old stick for the new stick (don't put both in) and take 2 screenshots again.

Have you tried switching them around by putting the new ram in the first slot and your old in the 2nd slot?

When you say 'no boot' , did anything happen at all...BIOS boot screen come up and just stop , any beeps?
okay, I am attaching screenshots with the old memory.
can't provide shots of the new memory because it won't boot, even if I put it in the old slot where the original memory was.
It doesn't go to bios, it doesn't beep. there is power, but that's it.
I took a good look at the new stick and I don't see signs of physical damage, I don't think I banged it up or chipped it or anything. old memory1.PNGold memory2.PNG
I have a feeling that the new RAM is PC3-10600 whilst your system has PC3-10700 installed right now , it could be a compatability issue with your motherboard if it's an older model.
my mobo is asus H61M-E, yes, it's a lower-end model, but not an old one. I just bought the PC yesterday, and the asus site says that this mobo is "8.1 compatible", so it can't be too out of date.

the store is a pretty reputable place, and they recommended me this particular memory stick as an upgrade, when I came to pick up the computer that they had just built for me.
Do you have a model number for the new RAM or a link to a webpage for it?

It's obvious that whatever the new RAM is, it is not compatible with your motherboard -OR- defective.

If we get some info on new RAM, we can likely say for sure.

But really, it's all pointless.

You need another stick of JM1333KLN-2G -OR- an entirely new matched set.
on the package it says: JM1333KLN-2G
on the stick itself, it says: B17582-0123
I think that either new stick was faulty or ruined by not seating properly on the first try, it would have same effect as plugging it or unplagging it while there's still power to the MB. It is not enough to just turn the computer off when switching components but it has to have power completely of by a switch on the back of the PSU or by unplugging it completely. Manny components have been ruined like that. When changing components ALWAYS unplug it and push power button to empty all the condensers on the computer.
that is good advice!
In this case, I was smart enough to turn off the switch on the back of the tower. I remember that when I tried to turn the computer back on, I was a little dismayed at first when nothing at all happened, until I remembered to turn the switch back on.

maybe the stick is just plain defective? on the other hand, I would hate to go back to the store to exchange it, and come back home to find myself in the same no-go situation...
There's not too many choices. if it will not boot with it you can not check it. The only way is to try it on some other computer or try another stick. Take it back to the store and let them check it. don't tell them about your mistake when mounting it. It may be a good idea to bring the other stick too, for reference.
thanks. maybe I'll stick it in my older computer, which also has ram of the dmm 3 type, or whatever you call it. but this computer is a few years old, it has a mobo from before the windows 8 era. Do you think that is a fair test, or not?
Ya...ehhhh....I tend to think that it's unlikely that the RAM was ruined because it wasn't seated well. People do that allllll the time and it doesn't ruin it -but- absolutely for sure, positively 100% most definitely possible.


Best just to return it to store man (good on him for giving matched module.) He will just return it to maker at no loss. Ask for another.
I started working on computers somewhere mid eighties and since have seen some unbelievable things people did to them. Some things you can do 1000 times without ill effects and 1000 and first time can fall on your head like a ton of bricks. Just like other types of work, safety practices shoud be important no matter how ridiculous they may seem at the time.
Yes, there are many more safety features now but components are less durable now so it's best to do it like it should be done in the first place.Hyb.jpg