How to set Default "File Open Dialog" to Last Location


New Member
I use a program called Mudlet (version 2.1) in order to play a MUD. That program has some interactions with the Windows file API, the details of which I do not know. What I do know is that the authors of the program have stated explicitly that Mudlet does NOT save the last file location it was at. As such, its default behavior, when opening the "File Open" dialog is to go to its own root directory.

However, on my Laptop, this is not how it behaves. My Desktop, on the other hand, behaves as expected. I can open up he file dialog and it will always start in the same root directory. On my Laptop, it will open up to the last place I opened a file from in Mudlet. They both run Windows 8.1, so I'm not sure what the difference is. I would like for my Desktop to mimic the Laptop in its behavior as it's by far more convenient, but, without knowing what's different or what setting I might have accidentally changed, there's little I can do.

You might try this: Create a shortcut to a "placeholder" file [which stays there, undisturbed] in your desired folder. Within that shortcut properties: add the desired folder path in the Start In blank. Add the path/filename of Mudlet's EXE to the left of the placeholder file. Every time you click that icon, Mudlet automatically will go there. Example: "path/EXE" "path/placeholder file"
But, before you do all that: simply add the desired folder path in the Start In blank within Mudlet's icon. That just might be all you need to do.
I can try that. However, is it likely that it will mess with the program functioning at all? I want to weigh that risk before messing with it. For instance, right now it has:


as its "Start In:" path
Naw, shouldn't, I've been "telling" programs what directory to begin in for years; only a few don't "listen" to Start In instructions, you can direct them from within their respective menus.
As a small update, it created a problem with Mudlet loading its Lua files, so I had to change it back. I'll try the other idea and see if that works.
So, an update. The initial suggestion is something I don't really need since I can hop to where I want to go with the "Favorites" section in my file dialog, and the second suggestion fell apart due to the Lua problem. Though I certainly commend you on the creative thinking and sharing of knowledge with me.

The conundrum of why my Laptop and Desktop are behaving differently with the same program in the same environment is still a bit perplexing, however.