How dumb is this!? Storage Spaces missing capacity solved!


New Member

I usually just lurk this forum whenever I have problems with my computer, but this time I felt the need to share a solution to a problem that I couldn't find any answers to with my google-fu.

(TLDR at the bottom)

So I have a simple mirrored 2-drive (2x 4TB Seagate Barracudas) storage pool using Windows Storage Spaces which I use for storing all my media and documents. Storage Solutions was telling me I was low on capacity so I ended up going through all my media deleting anything that wasn't at least 3mbps quality. I had deleted at least 1TB worth of media and had usage on the volume down to 1.51TB (in windows explorer). This is when I noticed the huge discrepancy between what Storage solutions was saying I had left for capacity and what I knew I should have had. It was telling me I was using 6.11 TB of 7.27 TB Pool capacity, which of course makes no sense as even when accounting for lost capacity from resiliency & partial stripe utilization it should be a maximum of about 3.1GB~.

I tried emptying the recycle bin, defragging/consolidating the partition, and minimizing the Volume Shadow Copy capacity. None of this helped and to me it just felt like for some reason Windows wasn't "giving back" the capacity or was otherwise somehow failing to notice the free space and recovering it.

As far as the solution well it's more of a quick fix and it doesn't actually prevent the problem from happening or leave more than a clue towards explaining why it happens in the first place. What I ended up doing was creating dummy files on the volume to max out the capacity and deleting them to see if it would trigger some sort of capacity recovery, and it actually worked.

I used this method to create dummy files:
Quickly Generate Large Test Files in Windows

I started by creating a 1TB file (fsutil file createnew e:\dummyfile.test 1099511627776) which maxed out the pool capacity. I then deleted the file and the pool was now reading "Using 5.45 TB of 7.27 TB pool capacity".

I then created a 2TB file (fsutil file createnew e:\dummyfile.test 2199023255552) which again maxed out the pool capacity, and after deleting the file the capacity now reads as "Using 3.47 TB of 7.27 TB pool capacity".

I still felt like there was little bit more capacity to be found so I then created a 3TB file which of course returned the response "Error: There is not enough space on the disk". This makes sense considering it would have been 6TB of data including resiliency in addition to the 1.5TB of actual data I had on the volume. Funny enough I then had to start all over again as the capacity was reading 7.27 of 7.27 TB but I had no file to delete this time.

From here I created a 2TB file and deleted it, which brought me down to the same 5.45 TB reading I got when I had created a 1TB on my first try. I then tried to create another 2TB file which of course went beyond the capacity, except this time the storage pool seemed to register the fact that the 2TB file was never created (as opposing to staying capped at the 7.27TB usage reading after the previous previous attempt at a 3TB file creation).

The storage pool is now reading 3.23 TB of 7.27 TB pool capacity which seems about what I thought it should have been! Keep in mind I probably have a lot of 256MB stripes not being fully utilized because I store a lot of small files/documents on this drive, and this would account for the extra 210GB of space still "missing".

Edit: Ok so I just optimized/defragmented the volume again and my space efficiency jumped from 93% to 97%. Storage Solutions is now reading 3.09 TB of 7.27 TB usage. Optimizing wasn't doing anything before! This is great but also kind of silly...

TLDR: My 2x 4TB mirrored Storage Spaces pool was reading 6.11 TB/7.27 TB usage even though I only had 1.51 TB of data. Creating & deleting dummy files with the fsutil cmd and maxing out the capacity on the volume seems to smack windows upside the head hard enough to register the correct capacity usage of 3.09 TB / 7.27 TB.

My question for everyone else is WTF is going on here? It shouldn't behave like this right? I feel like I've found some kind of drive capacity black hole in Storage Solutions.

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I find Storage Spaces to be abysmal as far as storage is concerned. Extremely inefficient.

I feel like it has potential but the execution so far is pretty abysmal. Quite frankly for the simple use of having a mirrored volume that's expandable I think it's great when it's actually working, but it's stuff like this that keeps me from recommending it to anyone.

Edit: I noticed in your thread you seemed to take issue with the 250MB slab efficiency... It kind of seems like you're not factoring in the tiny size of those drives you've put in parity. How can you make a blanket statement about capacity efficiency when you're talking about 250MB slabs in teeny tiny 12000MB volume?

You can see in my 8 Terabyte mirrored configuration it actually ended up being only 0.7GB worth of capacity taken up by empty space on occupied slabs. Which is actually even more impressive considering I store all my documents, photos, and back up my email on this volume.
I realize I was using small disks. It was just a VM where I was playing with a few drives that I created.

I have a handful of 1TB and 2TB drives at work. I'll get them tossed into a test box and see what I come up with using larger drives.
I'm getting the same bug/error. I deleted about 10TB from my Storage Spaces and I only have 8TB of files left which are in parity, which should only take up 12TB on my pool, but my Storage Pool shows that I'm using 27TB out of 31TB.

I tried your method but it hasn't helped and only confused me even more. So the pool thinks that I only have 4TB available, however I am able to create a 10TB file using your method above and put it on the pool. The pool then reads I'm using 30.4TB out of 31TB?!? I delete the 10TB file and my storage goes back to the original 27TB used capacity?!
