Solved how do I find oldest and biggest files on windows8.1


New Member
I am running windows 8.1

I have accumulated many years of files.

Before I move to new hardware, I would like to find files to delete.

I want to be able to find
-- files that have not been used in years
-- files that are huge.
assuming you kept your files some what organized ,open windows explorer and go to the folder the files are in and choose show by date or by size .
Control Panel > Adminitrative Tools > Disk Cleanup might help.

In file explorer click on the folder you want to search then type in the search bar :
System.DateModified:2010 AND System.Size:>10mb

Replace 2010 (year) and 10mb (size) with watever you prefer.


  • search.PNG
    21.8 KB · Views: 204
After finding these files, you may want to put them into a compressed archive.
Some of the archive tools let you delete the file after it is added.

Then save that file archive on some backup device (flash drive, DVD, external drive, etc.)

For me, I've always just gotten a larger hard drive when I saw space becoming low (I have a desktop system). I rarely throw away anything.
There's a tutorial on Windows Search Filters and Operators here:

For example:
datemodified:before 2012 size:>50MB

Or as the previous poster said, if you're quite organised you can sort by columns in Explorer.

Tread carefully though, as there's nothing worse than deleting something you later wish you hadn't.

Life is weird like that, at least for me.

Throw something away, then later, out of the blue... there's a call for said file or folder.