HELP NEEDED PLZ - windows 8.1 - HDD present but not recogn


New Member
HELP NEEDED PLZ - 8.1 - HDD present but not recognized

Hi everyone,
I saw that this issue is not uncommon, here is how it goes for me ; can someone please help =) ?

step 1 :
install badass PC, with 1 SSD and 2 "old" Velociraptor from the previous Computer
1 of those had the old OS (XP lol)

step 2:
install Windows 8.1
when I had to chose on which HDD I would install it, I could see the 3 HDD
I destroyed the old partition on one of the raptors, (40gb and 100gb, get back to 140)
I formated the other one (raptor 2), but it didn't give me an option to format the raptor 1 (the one I just de-partitioned)
I could partition the SSD, and install Windows 8.1 on the 100gb partition, leaving another one with 140. However, I couldn't format the 140gb partition on the SSD

step 3 :
I go in "Manage" to finish formating there, I could see that 1 HDD was missing, this infamous raptor 1..
I could also Format in ntfs the 140gb of the SSD
I rename the drives, and go check where this raptor 1 is gone

step 4 :
Raptor 1 is visible in "device Management"
it is visible in the BIOS
it is pluged in
I've reopened and changed the SATA ports of almost all the drives and they reappear in the new order
it is invisible in "diskpart - listdisk"
it is invisible in Management

step 5 :
let's try to reinstall Windows and see what it tells me when I get to the step of choosing and formating stuff
well, it appears that Raptor 1 is not there anymore ... but still in BIOS, still in "devices"

so WTF is going on ?

the Thing was working fine 10h ago, with the old Windows XP on it, untill i kill the Partition and try to Format it

now, it's gone, but it's there tho ...

how do I use this again ? =)

thanks in advance for your help ^^
