Getting frequent BSOD's on startup, and also during gaming


This is a genuine Windows 8 Pro 64bit.

CPU: Intel Core i5 3570K 3.4GHz | GPU: Radeon HD 7970 Vortex 2| Mobo: Asus P8Z77-V LX | RAM: Corsair 8GB (2x4GB) DDR3 1600MHz

I have been having this problem since I was on Windows 7 also.

I have attached the folder as requested.

Please do the following:

open up an administrative command prompt and issue the following commands:

sfc /scannow
once the sfc finishes then run this command
chkdsk /f /r

the second command will ask that you reboot

lastly please run through the HD diagnostic procedure:

Hard Drive Diagnostic Procedure
Please do the following:

open up an administrative command prompt and issue the following commands:

sfc /scannow
once the sfc finishes then run this command
chkdsk /f /r

the second command will ask that you reboot

lastly please run through the HD diagnostic procedure:

Hard Drive Diagnostic Procedure

Sorry for my late reply.

sfc /scannow found and successfully repaired corrupted files and chkdsk took quite some time to complete and I was not present when it completed, so I am not sure if that did anything. I am still getting the Blue Screen every time I boot however.

I will try the HDD diagnostic next.
Failing hard drive, do you think that could explain this other issue I'm having?

Sometimes when booting it will go up to where it says 'press del to enter BIOS' and suddenly shut down, then boot up again. And it can keep doing that several times before it boots into Windows, however some times it will only do it once, and sometimes not at all.

That would be so typical because I was planning on buying a new HDD dedicated to Linux, now I may have to just replace this one.
Okay here you are, it would not let me send them to a zip, so I copied them to the desktop and zipped the copies, let me know if that is no good.
Please Run memtest86+ for atleast 8 passes:

RAM - Test with Memtest86+

Tip: do this over night it can take a long time.

If memtest does not find anything please enable driver verifier and let it crash your system:

START | type verifier | make these selections -

1. select"Create custom settings (for code developers)"
2. Select "Select individual settings from a full list"
3. Check these boxes -
▪ Special Pool
▪ Pool Tracking
▪ Force IRQL checking
▪ Deadlock Detection
▪ Security Checks (Windows 7)
▪ Concurrentcy Stress Test (Windows 8)
▪ DDI compliance checking (Windows 8)

▪ Miscellaneous Checks
4. Select last option - "Select driver names from a list"
5. Click on the Provider heading - sorts list by Provider
6. Check ALL boxes where "Microsoft" IS NOT the Provider
7. Click on Finish
8. Re-boot

Tip: If you can't boot normally into windows after enabling Driver verifier please boot into safe mode and disable it, then post your new dump files here.