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[h=1]Microsoft to drop Windows XP version of Security Essentials[/h]​On April 8, 2014, Microsoft will stop supporting Windows XP, meaning that the company will no longer provide security updates for the ageing operating system. From this date on, Windows XP users could be open to attack thanks to eternally unpatched zero-day vulnerabilities. Microsoft has undertaken a campaign to encourage users to upgrade, but despite this, Windows XP’s total market share is still 30.43 percent and the OS appears to be the second most popular version of Windows.
Unpatched vulnerabilities may not be the only thing that Windows XP users will have to worry about from April. As well as ceasing support for the operating system, Microsoft will also stop providing signature updates for the Windows XP version of its anti-malware app Security Essentials. Microsoft will also stop allowing users to download this version of the software.
While some have doubted that Microsoft will drop support on this date, the company has consistently maintained that once April 8 arrives, then Windows XP will not be patched anymore. This latest move is yet more proof that Windows XP users need to move onto a newer version of the operating system as soon as possible.
Not only MS is dropping support for XP but other SW and HW makers too. Malwarebytes announced ending support and HW wandors stopped making drivers for it, for new HW, a while ago. Software and hardware development should go hand in hand. For some older HW that can not run on newer Windows I would and do recommend a Linux as the threats for it are much less widespread and thus safer. With some distros change from XP is not too great. There are some that closely resemble the looks and feel of XP. Lastly, XP machines not connected to internet are in no much danger.