Failed Hard drive need to Recover Music from Ipod


New Member
Suffolk , England
Hello Guys,

My friend at work has lost his music due to a faulty hard drive on his computer, can anyone recommend a program, free if possible to recover the music from his IPod/IPhone in to MP3 format so he can restore it to his new hard drive.


His Harddrive had mechanically failed. There are lots of programs on the net, just not sure which one would be good, I was thinking of CopyTrans - Free download and software reviews - CNET

OK, so lets say the hard drive doesn't spin up and/or the read/write mechanism is physically damaged... do you really think there is a software recovery program that will overcome that hardware issue? If so, then please go for it and let us know how you make out. Good luck.
His Harddrive had mechanically failed. There are lots of programs on the
net, just not sure which one would be good, I was thinking of CopyTrans - Free download and software reviews - CNET

OK, so lets say the hard drive doesn't spin up and/or the read/write mechanism is physically damaged... do you really think there is a software recovery program that will overcome that hardware issue? If so, then please go for it and let us know how you make out. Good luck.

I think you've got the wrong end of the stick here, he want to pull his music off of his iPod and iPhone to put back on his computer!
His Harddrive had mechanically failed. There are lots of programs on the
net, just not sure which one would be good, I was thinking of CopyTrans - Free download and software reviews - CNET

OK, so lets say the hard drive doesn't spin up and/or the read/write mechanism is physically damaged... do you really think there is a software recovery program that will overcome that hardware issue? If so, then please go for it and let us know how you make out. Good luck.

I think you've got the wrong end of the stick here, he want to pull his music off of his iPod and iPhone to put back on his computer!

Yes, I see that now. Did you edit that opening statement to make the issue more clear or did I just stop reading after the first line? Either way, I'm not an iPod man so hang in there for someone else to help you. Sorry for the misread (if you didn't edit it).
He can use DiskAID to move music files from his EyePod into any new system You install iTunes AND Diskaid, shut off itunes, start DiskAID, and connect your iPod. Then browse to the music area and start moving stuff. May have to Jailbreak the iPod to get better access.

Also, there is a Program by MGtek, a plugin for WMP. It's 20 bucks. You can move ALL of your music out of your iPod into your WMP library with it.

Sync your iPod with Windows Media Player

I bought it 3 years ago when I needed to move a bunch of new age mucous from an iPod for my ex. Got it all.

Make sure your iPod is in the list of supported devices:

Technical Support - MGTEK dopisp
One other thing I can suggest for the failed Hard Drive? Stick it in at least 3 Ziplock bags and stick it in the freezer for a week. Then you'll have to HotSwap it in to a running PC, see if it detects, and copy the files out as quick as you can before the whole drive heats back up. So you'll have to know exactly where the files are stored. I have a 1 TB drive still in my freezer, been in there a while hahaha. I just keep forgetting to try to recover it.
Sounds like you pretty well have this handled, but just in case;

Linux. It doesn't care about apple's proprietary married to one pc nonsense. It just copies stuff. Find a friend with Linux and get him to copy the music to a thumbdrive.

Got my son's music that way a few years ago when he came home from Germany with an ipod, not realizing it was married to his friend's desktop.

He gave the ipod away as soon as I got his music for him so he wouldn't be bound again.
One thing to do if you buy a bunch of content from Apple, you can use "Sound Taxi" to convert them to MP3's as long as you have the DRM's for them. It requires iTunes to be installed and your ID logged in. It's kind or a spammy program, but the pro version is clean.

iTunes used to have the ability to convert AAC's to MP3's right on the spot, I don't think it does that anymore.