Error when trying to disable Windows Defender


I'm trying to disable Windows Defender so it is not running in the background and using resources. I get this error when I hit the save changes button. I can't find any information on this error.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


OS Name Microsoft Windows 8.1
Version 6.3.9600 Build 9600
System ASUS-Notebook
Processor Intel Core i7-4700HQ CPU @ 2.40GHz, 2394 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)
Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 12.0 GB
HD Size 910.06 GB 5400 RPM
Adapter RAM (2,147,483,648) bytes
Display 15 in.
Resolution 1920 x 1080 x 59 hertz
BIOS Version/Date American Megatrends Inc. N56JR.204, 10/31/2013
I'm not sure if I'm following you. In my screenshot I've done the same thing you're suggesting I believe. Are you saying access defender through the control panel? I don't see anything in control panel about windows defender. Even after using search in control panel it produced no results.
Running without an antivirus is not advisable nor recommended as it presents a huge security risk for you.

After seeing your specs, Windows Defender shouldn't even phase your system at all.
Running without an antivirus is not advisable nor recommended as it presents a huge security risk for you.

After seeing your specs, Windows Defender shouldn't even phase your system at all.

Never said I wasn't using any anti malware. I just don't want to use windows defender. I'm using a gaming machine and I want all my resources available. I'd like to choose what and when it runs on my machine. Not MS.
Thanks ztruker.

I do have that box unchecked in your screenshot. Following the steps in your link I've searched again in control panel and I do not have an icon for Windows Defender.


Thanks Edwin. That got me there but I'm getting the exact same error as my original post. Any ideas what this refers to? I've researched the error message for several days and I can't find anything related to Windows Defender.

Yeah no luck. Any ideas what the error in my OP refers to?

it says check help ,did it show and thing of use. when you click help ??

and this copy /past answer from a Microsoft community forum to some with similar issue as yours

quote-the class is not configured to support elevated activation.
suggests that you are either running Windows without being logged in with administrative rights, meaning that you cannot make changes to Defender, including reviewing History, or you have conflicting security software installed, which may also be the cause of your first error.
how to turn off defender

The easiest way to do it of is too download another AV, your system automatically detects it and shuts defender off, now if this doesnt happen then the original >> OS << install was corrupted. (see 1)

The choice of AV is yours,
but from what your saying i would suggest Avast home free which gives you the option to dissable any or all of its components.

I DO NOT ADVISE that you dissable them all.

if you previously had another AV installed and it was not uninstalled properly (and fully) then W8 would still regard it as active and not allow you restart Defender.

It's very well 'locked down' (can't change service settings, rename, delete, end task, take ownership etc). One sure way to kill it, rename Windows Defender folder, 2 ways (that I know about): linux, or connect the os hd to another pc using usb.

btw, am not supporting to run without AV, but anyone is completely free to choose to do so.


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