Medion NAS-SERVER issue solved. Culprit: Bullguard.
Hi guys,
Just a heads up for others in same situation.
I have a 2 TB Medion NAS - about 2-3 years old. served me flawlessly. Been lazy backing up for 6 months, now with Win 10 coming up, I thought better safe than sorry... ok, worked like a charm. Not just once, but twice.
Two days ago I then got the 0x80070035 error... reading through this and many other forums, saving myself a complete shave of my head from pulling out my hair in frustration and VERY nearly tossing the darned thing out the window. I finally tried this:
When trying to map my backup share, it asked me for \\servername\sharename - and a password. Which I gave it, a gazillion times. After sickeningly many resets of server, reboots, shaving down users to one, lord knows what else, I had given up.
Just to mock myself even further, I tried entering my username and password for my laptop.
It worked. Instantly.Don't ask me why, I am absolutely clueless. I am now frantically running yet another full backup, feeling utterly stupid. Also p***** off at the crappy software asking me for credentials, even giving an EXAMPLE of how to type it in... oh well. It worked. For now. All is well. I'll see this backup through, and go dream about anything BUT nas-ty servers. It is worth a try!
Minutes after posting this thread late last night, I got an alert that my Bullguard suite wasn't running. Simple, since I had turned it off a while earlier trying to solve this. Backup was still running, set to shut down machine when finished.
Turned on Bullguard - which promptly disconnected the mapped drive, foiled the backup, and sent me back to square one. But now I knew why... went to bed and dreamt of off-grid unicorns and disconnected rainbows, and now, clear headed and tanked with caffeine, I allowed the domain "" in the Bullguard firewall.
It opened instantly, using my pc account login credentials. So... it just may have been that blasted firewall all the time blocking. *doh*
Just thinking... why the f*** does a firewall interfere with one user/admin (me) and one shared disk (nas) on my own, Fort Knox-like secure, private, internal network? Especially since it had already been working flawlessly and hassle free for several years? And what business is it of theirs what my personal logon credentials are to my laptop??? Why didn't they just ask for my banking details, shoe size etc etc as well? WTF?
Sent a polite, albeit insisting ticket to Bullguard CS. They clearly have updated the firewall rules... but forgot to mention that in the release notes.
If I get any usable reply, I'll post it here.