Changed skin

David Bailey

Harrisonburg, Va.
Trying out new skin---



I have more new ones.
I like WindowBlinds. :)
I really like WindowBlinds as well!

I have a theme installed on my Windows 8.1. :)

They have thousands of free & paid skins.

WinCustomize: Explore : WindowBlinds

After a while I get tired of a skin & try a new free one. :)

Windows 10 will hopefully offer skins or better tweaking of the GUI.
I do to, getting a little tired of this skin. But I change up the wallpaper now and then. :)

Do you think the Windows 8 skins might work on 10?

Good possibility.

If you have 10 on a virtual machine you could test it.
Slow as a VM is...
I have it installed next to my 8.1 copy. :(

But I can still hop back over to 8.1 and run it in a VM and see. :)
I wish the skin writers would exactly define what color did what.

"color 2" doesn't tell me squat what color is being changed.
I have spent many hours changing colors 1x1 trial & error trying to change a particuar color.
The authors need to quit being so lazy & actually describe what "system color 2" actually does.

I have Skin Studio.It freezes my computer.I have a slow cheap computer.
I tried making skins.
It's hard to do when you get a freeze up.
If I could make a skin the different colors would be well designed to show exactly what they were.
Not some dumbass "skin color 3" or some such bullpoop.

Done venting about the stupidity of skin makers. :)
That sounds really irritating! :shock:

Is this "Skin Studio" free?

I'll fiddle with it and see how it works. Have you made any skins yourself with it?
Hmm, there is quite a learning curve!

I'll have to see if there are any tutorials out there. ;)