Can't "Save As" Any File Type


New Member
North Georgia Mountains
PC crashed due to a bad hard drive and got Dell to replace the hard drive. When I got it back from Dell it now will not allow me to "Save As" anything. When I click the "Browse" button to select the place I want to save the file, it just flickers and does nothing. I can save to the default location which is "One Drive" which I don't even use. When I close MS Word for example after failing to save my file, it hangs for a few seconds before closing without saving. Spent hours on the phone with Dell which has not helped. They now want to re-install my operating system. My data is backed up, but not looking forward to reinstalling everything. Any ideas? Thanks.....
It sounds like you may have a corrupted registry or system files. If the HD was bad then there could be many damaged files. It may be a good idea to reinstall.

You could try a Registry Cleaner utility such as the one below on the off chance it might fix it if it is only a registry issue:
Wise Registry Cleaner - Best Free Registry Cleaner - speedup slow PC in one minute

At this point it wouldn't hurt anything to try it. I assume you do not have any Restore Points or Registry backups available? If not then I would take a shot with the reg cleaner and if no joy, do the reinstall.