BSOD playing Dota2


New Member
I bought this new notebook some months ago, and every since i try to play dota2 it gets a BSOD,
it doesn't give me the error code, but says "machine check exception", and i could not find the reason to this yet.. :cry::cry:
Hi ResOpNit,

Welcome to the 8forums.

Please check {windows partition}\windows\minidump and check if there are any dump files saved.
The zip is empty of dump files.
Please make sure your pc is configured for small dump files How to configure minidump | Windows 7 tutorial
Hello Axe0,

Now i understand, those dumps appear after a BDOD, the folder was empty because i restored my pc to its default configuration... but the BSOD have already happend twice, so I attached the archives here...
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Diagnostics Troubleshooting

Read carefully before proceeding.

warning   Warning
If you're overclocking your system, revert back to stock clocks now.

Note   Note
Test the system once the overclock is removed before continuing with the steps outlined below.

Part One: CPU Stress Test
Part Two: MemTest86+ RAM Diagnostic
Part Three: Hard Drive Diagnostics
Part Four: GPU Stress Test



Run Prime95 to stress test your CPU. Prime95 - Stress Test Your CPU - Windows 7 Help Forums

warning   Warning
Your CPU temperatures will rise quickly while under this stress test. Keep a keen eye on them and abort the test if overheating occurs.



Run MemTest86+ to analyse your RAM. MemTest86+ - Test RAM - Windows 7 Help Forums

Note   Note

MemTest86+ needs to be run for at least 8 passes for conclusive results. Set it running before you go to bed and leave it overnight. We're looking for zero errors here. Even a single error will indicate RAM failure.



Run SeaTools to check the integrity of your HDD. SeaTools - HDD test - Windows 7 Help Forums

Note   Note
Do not run SeaTools on an SSD as the results will be invalid.

Run chkdsk Chkdsk - HDD Test - Windows 7 Help Forums



Run Furmark to stress test your GPU. FurMark - GPU Stress Test - Windows 7 Help Forums

Note   Note
Run Furmark for around 30 minutes.

warning   Warning
Your GPU temperatures will rise quickly while Furmark is running. Keep a keen eye on them and abort the test if overheating occurs.

During the Prime95, what would be a overheating ? i mean, the cores are at 26 + -, but white the test they were at 69 + -, and the Temp1 went from 48 to 91 ... everything in C.. should i keep the test?
Overheating would be 85C+ and is a cooling issue.
so while using the SpeedFan it appears:

2 and 3 reamaing low, but the first keeps at 50, and during the test went to 90... is this normal ?
I'd rather have fresh eyes before answering your question + follow instructions below
Please fill in your system specs
Please follow this tutorial and download the tool. The tool will give you detailed information about your system specs, please fill in your system specs more completely.​
How to fill in your system specs:

Outside of Prime95, does the CPU reach that temperature when under load?
If so, then you are facing a cooling issue.

I guess your laptop is for gaming?
Yes, it is for gaming... i just think it is strange because while playing "The witcher 3" nothing happend, but while playing "Dota 2" I had the BSOD, and dota is supposed to consume less from my pc...

Without playing /Playing Dota2 for a while, but i tryied to use a lot of my video card, spamming skills.
GPU: 0 ------71
HD0: 36 -----40
HD1: 45 -----53
Temp1: 52 --78
Temp2: 28 --28
Temp3: 30 --30
Core0: 29 ---53
Core1: 28 ---52
Core2: 28 ---53
Core3: 30 ---53
Those temps look fine.

Have you tried reinstalling Dota?
Please make sure fast boot is disabled and in the BIOS secure boot is disabled.